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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 23 declined, 3 accepted (26 total, 11.54% accepted)


Submission + - Wanne buy PSN Credit Card info? (

Hamsterdan writes: The ongoing PSN saga has taken a dramatic turn for the worse with evidence that hackers responsible for the PSN breach last week are attempting to sell users' credit card details online.

It's believed that hackers have obtained unencrypted databases including names, addresses, phone numbers, emails, email passwords, date of births, credit card numbers, expiry dates and the all important security codes found on the back of credit cards.


Submission + - Networks Block GoogleTV (

Hamsterdan writes: ABC, CBS and NBC are blocking TV programming on their websites from being viewable on Google Inc.'s new Web-TV service, exposing the rift that remains between the technology giant and some of the media companies it wants to supply content for its new products.

Full-length episodes of shows like NBC's "The Office," CBS's "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation," and ABC's "Modern Family" can't be viewed on Google TV, a service that allows people to access the Internet and search for Web videos on their television screens, as well as to search live TV listings. Logitech International S.A. and Sony Corp. began ...

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Submission + - AMD killing ATI (

Hamsterdan writes: The callous souls over at AMD have decided that our little consumer brains aren't sophisticated enough to handle two awesome brands, so they're just axing the use of the ATI moniker from here on out.

Submission + - Oh the irony (

Hamsterdan writes: Microsoft on Tuesday denounced Yahoo! Japan's Internet search alliance with Google, saying it would give Google near-total control over the third-largest market for search queries in the world.

Submission + - Rogers pulls HTC Dream off shelf due to 911 fix. (

Hamsterdan writes: The Rogers HTC Dream is not having a good start to 2010, actually the Dream is turning into a bit of a nightmare. First the beloved Android was informed that it would not receive an upgrade to a new OS and stay exactly how it is Dream owners didn’t like this news and decided to revolt. Rogers heard the feedback and said Dream customers can upgrade to a Magic if they wish.

However, news came early this morning from Rogers that the HTC Dream has been pulled off the shelf from all locations and online. The reason is because an urgent software fix that is needed for 911 calls to be completed. Kinda important. All Dream owners were contacted by text message about the issue.

Submission + - Delete a file shooter for OS X (

Hamsterdan writes: Lose/Lose is a video-game with real life consequences. Each alien in the game is created based on a random file on the players computer. If the player kills the alien, the file it is based on is deleted. If the players ship is destroyed, the application itself is deleted.

Submission + - The king of POP is dead

Hamsterdan writes: LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles Times is reporting pop star Michael Jackson has died at the age of 50 after being rushed to hospital in a coma. The newspaper cites city and law enforcement sources in the report. Earlier, the Times reported that the self-proclaimed "King of Pop" had been taken to hospital by paramedics, and was not breathing when they arrived.

Submission + - Rogers (Canada) finally lowers iPhone data plans

Hamsterdan writes: Following a fast-growing petition and angry users, Rogers finally lowers the price for their iPhone data plans. (In French) Still pretty expensive for a cell-phone plan, but *much* better than their previous 100$/6GB plan

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