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Comment Re:What am I missing? (Score 2) 101

That was my thought too. $38 mil is nothing for california, and given the upside (lots of people not dying horribly), it seems worth funding.

To put in perspective, last year CA made $82m on cigarette taxes alone and plans to spend about 10.3 billion in public safety spending 2015. I think $36m for this cause could easily be raised and appropriated.

Hell, just fully legalize pot and let the taxes on that pay for it. Who's onboard?

while it is a nice thought I seriously doubt 10 seconds is going to stop many, if any, from dying. It would take a person the best part of that 10 seconds just to realize what was happening as it happens so infrequently OR if the alarm is to sensitive that it goes off all the time for minor tremors then it would be just like a car alarm where people barely even realize one is going off and again still won't react in time.

Comment Re:privacy? (Score 1) 276

There are other ways to monetize your product. If the engine is actually good and popular then they can monetize licensing for mobile devices, selling into the corporate space with indexing and appliances for the enterprise, definitely not as profitable as advertising and given greed is number one priority for companies like google, and just about every company for that matter, it isn't likely to happen.

Comment Re:Very distorted environment (Score 1) 170

If you don't know what your talking about then you probably shouldn't say anything. Canberra has one of the highest homeless rates in the country, only the northern Territory has a higher rate. unemployment here is also still around 5%, while that is slightly better than the rest of the country, it certainly isn't good. Canberra contracts here are pretty well identical to other major cities in Australia (I work regularly between Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra, our rates are the same for all three).

Comment Re:Tax breaks? (Score 1) 170

It's far cheaper to live in the rural areas on Canberra's doorstep, or the large town next door, than in that geographically tiny city.
I've got relatives that live half an hour out of Canberra in a medium sized "hobby" farm with about 20 head of stock and a few horses, and that cost less than they made from selling a modest three bedroom place in outer suburbia. House/land prices and rent drop off very rapidly with distance and the roads are not congested.

What has that got to do with the topic? simple fact is the average salary in Canberra is approximately 85-90k. even public servant devs make more than that unless they are just a graduate or in the lowly APS ranks.

Comment Re:Sometimes you can't (Score 1) 131

the studio didn't plan any contingency or mitigation for a cancellation

I've seen that in a different industry - a huge client that demands all the resources you have "just in case" and then fucks you over. About the only thing that can help is money in the bank.
There's a certain type of person that decides they need to "own" you, and they can apply a lot of pressure if they are their only client at the time so they make sure that happens.

That really just means the company is take on a contract that is simply too big for them in the first place. From what I read no one fucked anyone over. MS wanted changes in scope in order for the game to continue being funded, company said sure but budget will be blown by 40-60%, MS said, no thanks and simply walked away. This is normal business contract negitations, if it killed the company then the company was taking on a job that was far to big for it as it left them with no contingency

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