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Comment Re:Retribution (Score 2) 255

Yes. They want a single architecture, which is why they bought CPU design companies like PA Semi to design ARM CPUs for them...

Apple has long had a policy of maintaining versions of their OS's on other platforms in order to insure code portability and good architecture, even when they have no intention of ever releasing on that platform.

Apple isn't telling all the AppStore developers suddenly "port all your apps to x86 now!" for a very very good reason. If they did however, Google would be jumping up and down in joy: the biggest advantage of Apple gone! No more overwhelming amount of Apps...

Apple has wisely kept the developer tools used on iOS under their control. As such "porting your apps to x86" would likely mean recompile and run through debugging on another device before it is added to the store as an option for those users. Apple is very well positioned to make an architecture transition without losing he advantage of which you speak. Note that I'm not arguing that is their intention, just that your reasoning is flawed in this regard.

Comment Re:Where others have failed, Apple will win (Score 1) 202

And if it does, Apple has the author's identity (CC info, etc), which although able to be faked could still serve as a starting point for a criminal investigation by the police.

I would elaborate on this point a bit. They will have a valid credit card to charge the membership. If this is a stolen card, when the owner notices the theft and/or incorrect charges, Apple can pull the offending apps from the store and revoke their encryption keys as well as begin an investigation into the risk posed to users who had the app. If the app is one that is paid for or makes money from ads, Apple has the actual account info and identifying the criminal is easy for police. Both cases provide real benefit to end users being targeted, although there is more that can be done yet.

Comment Re:Masses reaction (Score 1) 202

The benign binary will be something like /usr/bin/python, and may be shipped with the OS itself... (how much higher a level of trust can you get for a binary?)

Apple has already started sandboxing binaries they ship with OS X, for example the zeroconf service which is one of the few exposed default services running on OS X. At least some people at Apple seem to "get it" that just because it ships with the OS doesn't mean it should have more access or more trust than it needs. I can't imagine Apple is going to reverse their security trend and start sandboxing fewer binaries going forward.

Comment Re:IE9's Energy Efficiency (Score 1) 132

Might also explain why Macbooks seem to drain their batteries faster than regular laptops?

Seem? Seeming is rather relative I suppose. Anandtech's tests on real world laptop battery resulting the following quotes:

Lal Shimpi says the fixed, flat-pack battery gives the new MacBook Pros "the best battery life I've ever seen." "There’s no other way to say this," wrote Shimpi. "If you care about battery life and portability at all, buy the new MacBook Pro. Go to the Apple store and buy one."

Arsechnica, on the other hand concluded from their real world use tests that Macbooks are just, "better than average". So I guess I'd have to ask you how you formed your perception that regular laptops have better battery performance in real world use.

Comment Re:Firefox Sync copied Opera Link (Score 2) 132

pera Software innovates (tabs, spell-checking, syncing of bookmarks, turbo compression) and others copy.

Everyone copies from everyone. Tabs were in Omniweb (albeit with a slightly different implementation) in 1999. Spell checking should be implemented at the OS level and rolled out as a service to apps (as OS X does). Re-implementing it for every app is idiotic architectural design. Numerous browsers on OS X had spellchecking before Opera (since 2000) and they have grammar checking as well. Admittedly, Opera can't do a lot about the fact that OS's have failed to step up and implement spellchecking as a service, but they could at least plug into the native functionality when it is offered. There was Firefox plug-in to synch bookmarks in 2005. That's not to say Opera isn't a fine browser and even the first to bring some features into popularity, but don't go getting blinded by your like of one product. It's too easy to not look hard at the history an just buy into what you want to be true.

Comment Re:print page links not needed (Score 1) 132

I think FF4 does that by default without plugins. At least it does for me on Linux.

Funny. My plug-in became incompatible when I upgraded to 4, but 4 added the feature anyway, so I never noticed. I'm glad they finally got around to rolling it into the core application. It is certainly one of those things that benefits all users and should be a default feature.

Comment print page links not needed (Score 3, Interesting) 132

Thank you for linking to print page It made me find the actual article and that is apparently 4 pages.

This is interesting in an article about unique browser features. Maybe a better article would go through features rarely known about. Like in Safari you can click the "reader" button in the URL bar and it consolidates multi-page articles in to a single page including the images. There is a Firefox extension called "repagination" to do the same thing. Given how much I see people complaining about multi-page articles, it would have been nice for this article to have covered this.

Similarly, Safari and some Firefox plug-ins allow the user to grab the corner of text input boxes and resize them, which is an indispensable feature once you've used it, but was also overlooked in this article.

Comment Re:Last Resort (Score 1) 396

If you look at the latest threats for Windows, probably 70% of them are trojans of some sort.

It is also less than useful to assess threats based upon the number of malware titles of different types, rather than the number of infections caused by different types. For example, self propagating worms have fewer unique names than trojans do, but account for a much larger number of infections per name. When last I looked, self propagating worms still accounted for about half of all infections.

Comment Re:Biggest problem with iOS development (Score 4, Insightful) 191

Biggest problem with iOS development is that you have to (AFAIK) buy a Mac to develop for it. I can't really fault Apple on this as it's a great business strategy...

How is that a great business strategy? The number of iOS developers buying Macs contributes basically nothing to Apple's bottom line compared to iPhone sales driven by their large number of iPhone apps. The great business decision is keeping the dev environment under their control and making it Mac only is just easier and cheaper than maintaining it on Windows as well. This leads to apps that conform to UI guidelines and leverage all the built in functionality of iOS and are updated in a timely manner to take advantage of new additions to iOS. Apple doesn't have to wait for third party tool developers to add features to support what Apple puts in iOS in a new release. They build it into the tools and in many cases the next recompile of the app takes advantage of the new function. That is what is smart about Apple's dev tools, not some barely noticeable increase in Mac sales from selling to developers that want to target iOS. It's about promoting iPhone sales because that is where the money is.

Comment Re:In this case Apple's position is sane (Score 1) 414

The term app was used as an abbreviation for application long before Apple added it to the iPhone. Google Apps existed before the iPhone.

The idea that the term "app" was applied by Apple first with regard to the iPhone is misguided. Apps were the standard end user programs on NextStep, which was purchased by Apple and made into OS X. The ".app" ending was the file extension for the bundles. This goes as far back as 1995, at least.

Comment Linux Package Management Rules and Sucks (Score 1) 328

On a related note, I had the opportunity to help a Linux on the desktop noob the other day and was embarrassed by how bad software installation still is for users. on Windows you stick the CD in and double click the "setup.exe" icon. He can manage this. But he has this new Linux (Mint) laptop his brother gave to him and still needs to run some Windows software for work. Here was a chance for me to show him how easy Linux has become.

So While I'd like WINE to be installed by default, I realize that is not always going to be the case. And while I'd like Linux to automatically recognize .exe files and offer to do the right thing (install WINE and run them in response to user command) I recognize it isn't there yet. But at very least I figured I could walk him through opening the package manager GUI, searching for WINE, and installing it. No such luck, as WINE only had a placeholder in the package manager. So on to the Website and click the link for Ubuntu... oops, Mint despite claiming compatibility doesn't know what to do with that. So it's back to apt on the command line which leaves him totally confused and out of his element and afraid to install software on his new machine. So one to the Windows software. Stick the CD in the drive and double click the exe. Nope no luck. it won't run claiming it needs to be executable. So I click properties and try to make it executable. Nope, fails at that too. Back to the command line to find out the non-existent metadata would be stored on the CD so it needs to be copied locally first. Finally it is installed, but no shortcut is in the launch menu and I have to dig through the WINE files to find a shortcut and put it on the desktop. And after all that, WINE can't find the USB ports for some reason. That is when we gave up for the night and started heavily drinking.

My point here isn't that Linux on the desktop sucks. It is that while it might be great for managed installations with set applications, I don't think it is very usable for the home user yet and there are a lot of really obvious areas for improvement. Hopefully Canonical will keep up the good work.

Comment Re:Adaption... (Score 1) 328

Ribbon interfaces are designed around Fitt's Law and the idea that the menus should taking up less screen space.

I think you're being overly generous. My understanding from talking to people in the UI design industry is that the ribbon was an attempt to implement the adaptive UI design from the University of Washington, but failed because they couldn't get it working properly so they just kept the look of that interface while abandoning the functionality. That's not to say the UofW did not take Fitt's law into account, just that there is no indication the Office developers did.

Comment Re:And... (Score 4, Insightful) 638

The "good" old fashioned liberals are today's economic conservatives... Libertarians are just scary in their slavish devotion to market solutions as the be all end all tool for every problem.

A push towards extreme capitalism is not "conservative" and I really wish people would stop applying that term. Moving to tax absurdly less progressive taxes than we had even under Reagan isn't conservative, it's extremist. Literally it is pushing the balance of economics to an extreme not seen since the days of old. Both Libertarians and Republicans (regardless of whether or not one agrees with their economic policies) are advocating for extremist economic policies in relation to historical norms for the last 50 or 100 years. Do not make the mistake of thinking they are pushing the status quo. For the last 20 years the economic balance has been skewing further and further to the extreme end of wealth consolidation.

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