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Comment paradoxes on slashdot (Score 1) 231

yea the liberal slashdot crowd isn't so liberal when it comes to immigration b/c they fear of perceived competition.

- the country that let's in a million immigrants simply b/c they won a lottery or had a relative sponsor them doesn't complain about that but complains about letting a few 10 thousand highly skilled.
- you want to promote local stem education but won't let in those who want to play on the US side and work in stem therefore promoting it!

hey look, your legal immigrant neighbor has a kid who is good in math. you should deport him somewhere b/c he's your competition. face it, there is a global competition for talent that is globally mobile and have options to go to other countries and not put up with the red-tape of the US. either you play with that new reality or see how far your momentum can take you. the US is quickly becoming just another country.

in my case i've been in the US for 14 years on some non-immigrant visa...from my childhood and into my young adulthood. i'm on PhD level in skills but i don't have many options to be able to stay and work let alone immigrate. there are times when i think like a citizen and see alot of H1B visas going to codemonkeys who have no US experience and got a low-level job when i think the system should select me instead.

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