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Comment Re:Alcohol is a consumer good too (Score 1) 382

I regularly buy beer directly from breweries (Wisconsin here). I'm not saying that that's the case in all states, but it just illustrates the point that the White House made: That it's up to individual states to decide whether a particular good needs to have a middleman for whatever reason. In the case of alcohol, some states' laws are still fairly draconian, but one can see the line of reasoning behind it, and they don't really seem to be "gotta pay my buddies in the distribution biz," so much as "gotta get votes, hammer on public safety!" In the case of automobiles, it's just plain and simple greed on behalf of car dealers.

Comment Re:For us dummies.... (Score 5, Informative) 382

Car dealerships form extremely powerful lobbies in most (all?) states, and have purchased laws in most (all?) states banning the direct sale of vehicles from the manufacturer to the consumer. This, obviously, is a protectionist racket that serves no purpose but to line the pockets of said dealers. I'm not aware of any other consumer good with such a restriction (though I will grant that such a thing is possible and I simply am not aware of it).

Submission + - Japanese Woman Arrested to Selling 3D Printable Files of Her Vagina (

jigmypig writes: A woman in Japan has been arrested for selling 3D printable files of her vagina to random men via the internet. The files included items such as 3D printable smartphone cases engraved with nothing else but her genitalia. To do this, she scanned her vagina and then put them into a 3D printable file. Men were then able to purchase the files directly from her, and she would deliver them via email. As you know, the rules in Japan concerning the exposure or depiction of female genitalia are very strict. There is already a petition being passed around trying to get her released.

Submission + - MiniLock all-purpose encryption tool is coming our way (

ricky86 writes: "MiniLock is designed as a free and open-source browser plugin that works to quickly encrypt files using cryptographic keys that are hard to breach by any hacker, according to Kobeissi, though that claim is to be taken with a grain of salt."

Submission + - New Research Shows Phones May Use Magnets To Transmit Data (

dkd903 writes: Researchers at the University of Oulu in Finland have been successful in transmitting data using the magnetometer that is usually found in various smartphones. The device they used to perform this experiment was the Nexus 4 from Google. The experiment is still a work in progress but holds tremendous potential if it can be developed.

Submission + - Petition to End the H1-B Visa Program

An anonymous reader writes: Many of us in the slashdot community have lost our livelihoods to cheap foreign labor, often after years of loyal service. Many of us even suffered the indignity of training our low-cost replacements, and did so to the best of our abilities. In light of the actions of American companies such as Facebook, Google, Yahoo!, Harley-Davidson, Manpower and countless others, as well as visa mills like InfoSys, it's obvious that the only way to put an end to the widespread abuse of the H1-B program is to simply put an end to the H1-B program. To this end, I've started a petition at Sign and spread the word.

Submission + - Rob Pardo says farewell to Blizzad (

motang writes: Rob Pardo, Blizzard employee of 17 years who has worked on WarCraft and Diablo is leaving the company.
"I'm looking forward to new challenges in my career, but I will always cherish the time I spent with you all and the amazing and collaborative teams at Blizzard," Pardo said. "It was both satisfying and humbling, and it made me a better developer and a better person. I look forward to playing Blizzard games as a player for many years to come. Most important, now I have plenty of time to learn how to build a competitive Hearthstone deck."

Comment Re:courses any good? (Score 2) 376

Two things:

1) It's Google, so probably not. There was a time when the things they did were interesting and relevant, but those days are long over. See Glass for more information.

2) More importantly, these classes are designed to lure uninterested people into becoming code monkeys. It will undoubtedly consist only of the most basic of concepts, and in Java, and won't bother covering the underlying math (sort of like Indian "universities"). It will attract people with both a victim complex and zero self-motivation, as people who have any are already enrolled in real CS courses. Everyone will get a certificate and a juice box when it's over.

The thought of this program being even remotely good gave me a bit of a chuckle, so thanks for that.

Comment Re:Why I don't buy the misogyny argument (Score 1) 548

why the fuck don't we un-rig the fucking game

Because we didn't rig it, and we don't have the means to un-rig it. Unless you've got a few billion laying around that you'd like to spend on such an endeavor. Sadly, I have no such reserves.

Which makes you the exception that people trot out to say how "The system works" and how "everyone can succeed"

Along with most of my friends and relatives, and quite a few of my coworkers. One doesn't need shitloads of money with the availability of loans and grants, *especially* if you're a woman or a minority. Go to smaller schools, which tend to be better in many ways than big brand-name schools, and you won't end up with a fuckton of debt when you're done (and you'll learn the same things because science works the same way no matter where you are). All told, I had to borrow less than $14k in the course of earning my BS from a small private college, and that will be paid off in five years. The idea of someone being $100k in debt for college (or anything that isn't a house, really) is completely fucking baffling and outrageous to me.

Likewise, this program is one that Google can trot out to say how "We're fighting sexism by trying to get more women into tech!" They know damned well it won't work; it's just bread and circuses to distract from the fact that they've been proven to be pretty fucking terrible employers.

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