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Comment Re:Utilities Fighting Back (Score -1) 517

Hello, you seem to think that Slashdot is a discussion forum, when instead it's just a place for insecure neckbeards to troll, post memes, complain about CmdrTaco, and mention how BSD is dying. If you want actual discussion, find the site on the Internet that's most diametrically opposed to Slashdot, and try there.

Comment How is this a Federal problem? (Score -1) 48

Why do we need the State Science Institute telling us that we need better control over the processor supply chain? Companies for whom this is important will implement it, and the rest won't. It's a self-correcting problem. And 10 million? If you're going to go out and nationalize the production of processors that's chump change, do it right, at least.

Comment So why systemd? (Score -1) 221

If you dont have hotplug hardware with its udev nonsense, and you don't have a GUI, and your users don't log in interactively to the OS, why do you need systemd and all its crap? init + an rc script to launch $YOUR_APP and you're done.

Comment 3000 carriers (Score -1) 221

When those 3000 dudes come home, and go back through the major US airports, back to their families distributed across the country, and THEN spread the disease, it's going to be awesome.

Never wasting a good crisis, the President and administration will use this as an opportunity for massive federalization of health care and private sectore business.

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