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Comment Future-proof (Score 1) 123

An interesting aspect of this concept is that it is fairly future-proof. Without changing the API, the company can change seamlessly the internal processes:
First getting humans to do tasks that are difficult for computers (like audio transcripts).
As computers improve in capability the humans can check the transcripts performed by computers, and use the feedback to improve further the capability of the computers.
And finally let the computers do the task without supervision and/or sell the software that has been developed to do it.

Comment The problem with automatic updates (Score 1) 388

Programs like Foxit Reader and Adobe try to install toolbars, put shortcuts where you don't want them and links to third party web sites on your desktop, etc. Each time you run the update you have to manually uncheck all those options which are checked by default. Another problem is that the programs that do update themselves do so by each running their check on Windows startup or own service ALL THE TIME. A far better solution would be for Windows update to allow other programs to register for update checks that can then be handled by a single service.

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