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Comment Re:Ted Cruz is Already Attacking Net Neutrality (Score 1) 706

You guys keep calling it the conservative approach... but it was born from liberals, and implemented by liberals every single time. Never was there a conservative government that did it.

OH WAIT! I get it

OH WAIT! No you don't. The Heritage Foundation is not a government, and has never implemented any legislation. "Born from liberals" means "legislation written by Democrats". "Implemented by liberals" means "passed by reconciliation without a trace of Republican support."

Comment Re: Abrupt, but like 100 years abrupt? (Score 1) 132

There is plenty of other evidence supporting this conclusion - it is hardly just his "bombing" policies

Sure. And people wishing to paint him as a leftist can convince themselves they see evidence in support of that, as well; see, for example, his stance on immigration reform and statements regarding the Treyvon Martin and Ferguson "situations".

Personally, I don't see him as a "leftist" or as a "righty"; he seems to lack the intestinal fortitude for either. I see him as more of an old-school political opportunist with a defective moral compass and a spine too week to stand up for what he claims to believe in, whatever that might be (see his evolution from "fierce advocate for gay rights" to "God's in the mix" to ... well, it's not too clear where he stands on the issue right now).

Comment Re: Abrupt, but like 100 years abrupt? (Score 1) 132

Well, given that Obama is a centre-rightist I can't see that you have demonstrated any problem with the premise at all.

The problem with the premise is that it's based on the tried-and-true No True Scotsman logical fallacy, as in "no true leftie would bomb brown people." Obama may indeed be a center-rightist, but only someone preoccupied with ideological purity would reach that conclusion merely by observing his predilection for bombing brown people.

Comment Re:um, BIG difference omitted... (Score 1) 163

He didn't say he hated anyone; he said he had experience with being discriminated against based on appearance-based assumptions. You seem to be suggesting that a moderately successful person should be OK with being gouged. Pretty screwed up, if you see a difference between "he looks rich, let's rip him off (he can probably afford it)" and "he looks poor, let's spit on him (he's probably used to it)."

Comment Re:1..2..3 before SJW (Score 0) 786

In before SJW brigade comes in demanding everyone involved apologized.

wow, you anti-SJW people really got your knickers in a bunch don't you. Leave it to America to came up with stirring anger against social justice, and use it pro-actively as a straw-man in any debate.

Hmm. That seemed shallow and not well-thought-out. The common usage of "SJW" is pejorative by definition. From Urban Dictionary:

"SJW: Social Justice Warrior. A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on social justice on the Internet, often in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation."

Comment Re:Much as I despise trolls (Score 1) 489

Not according to the Supreme Court

Do you honestly, truly believe that I care what those authoritarians think? There is no such single tribunal, and they are not always correct, and have been wrong many times (like with the example you just cited, thanks).

Thank you for the shining example of rationality. You are surely an exemplar member of civilized society; the polar opposite of a barbarian.

Comment Re:Much as I despise trolls (Score 2) 489

Then you're not exactly a rational being; you're just a barbarian.

Not according to the Supreme Court:

In Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire (1942), the Supreme Court held that speech is unprotected if it constitutes "fighting words". Fighting words, as defined by the Court, is speech that "tend[s] to incite an immediate breach of the peace" by provoking a fight, so long as it is a "personally abusive [word] which, when addressed to the ordinary citizen, is, as a matter of common knowledge, inherently likely to provoke a violent reaction". Additionally, such speech must be "directed to the person of the hearer" and is "thus likely to be seen as a 'direct personal insult'".

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