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Comment Re:Meh (Score 1) 830

Those seem stupid and arbitrary by comparison.

And water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Nothing stupid and arbitrary about that! No sir!

Being a relatively average-sized man, my foot is about a foot long, for example.

Except the average sized man's foot is not a foot long, but shorter.

With meters, when you round, basically everyone is 2 meters tall.

So maybe use centimetres?

Comment Re:It is absolutely not trademark infringement (Score 1) 81

In the UK, they can sue for libel if it runs their image through the dirt, even if it is true.

Bollocks. They certainly could sue. And then the BBC demonstrates it's true, and the case is dismissed.

Truth is the complete defence to libel. You cannot be found guilty of libel for stating a truth. Even if the BBC deliberately sets out to do a hatchet job. If it's true, it cannot be libel.

Comment Re:Progress (Score 1) 190

Yeah, because they execute people by stoning! Funny!

Executions in 2014 in USA - 35
Executions in 2014 in UAE - 1 (firing squad, murder conviction)

Executions per 100 million in USA - 11.799
Executions per 100 million in UAE - 4.266

Comment Re:Not sure if smart or retarded (Score 3, Insightful) 204

So it's ok if Blizztard sells you cheats, but not so if a Chinese entrepreneur does the same thing...?

Yes, because it's their game and in their interests they don't screw it up. A Chinese entrepreneur didn't develop the game and doesn't care. If Blizzard are screwing up, then feel free to go play somewhere else.



What are you? Ten years old?

Comment Re:One thing to keep in mind... (Score 3, Insightful) 244

This is not just a problem you see in command line or open source software. You find it in the documentation of many niche applications and it's invariably because it was written by one of the developers. Someone who has spent months working on the software, so it doesn't occur to them how someone completely unfamiliar with the software might approach it, or what they might want to know. So you get online documentation that dives right into technical details, scarcely touching on an overview of what it actually does.

And this happens even with software where the developer wants you to buy it. Just how many sales they get when the potential customer has to first puzzle out what it is, I don't know.

Comment Re:Unnecessary (Score 1) 45

A good solution would be to stop calling instances like this "identity theft" (a person has had their identity "stolen") and instead call it what it is; "identity fraud" (a company has been fooled into thinking a thief is someone else and given them money).

Once it's clearer that the victim is the company, and not the person, then they might start taking the process of handing out money a bit more care over ensuring that people are who they claim to be.

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 202

Have you ever read or seen an appeal for money from any charity or not-for profit?

They all do this, because if they didn't the donations would be drastically lower. People simply aren't interested in donating to a "long term sustainable investment endowment", they need prompted into action through a suggestion that it's a very immediate need, or indeed emergency.

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