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Comment Re:Dear Sony, I am delighted! (Score 1) 155

Well that seems like a reasonable request, but companies are not obliged to help you fix the situation you've got yourself into. You in a situation where you am 100% to blame, but somehow you get to demand that the company assist you?

If I bought a Blueray and lost the case, so I no longer knew who appears in it, are the company obliged to run a service where I can buy an empty case to replace it? After all, I already have the disk, and my licence, they have no right to force me to buy them again!

Or if I bought a pack of cards, do I get to demand that the manufacturer of the cards also sells single cards, for when I lose one? What use is a pack missing one card? I demand the manufacturer provides this service because I am a customer who has already purchased 51 cards!

There comes a point when there is no profit to be made in helping out customers who are in a position of their own doing. Companies have no obligation to provide additional services that don't benefit them.

Comment Re:Dear Sony, I am delighted! (Score 0) 155

Your license to play the movie is on the disk. Sony wants to verify this license. If you break the disk, you have destroyed your license. If you copy the disk without the license on it, you cannot prove you have a license.

Unless you're expecting Sony to keep a record of all those who have purchased a licence, by whatever means through millions of retail channels, you need to be the one who retains the licence. If you destroy the license, or keep it elsewhere, what proof do you have that you are licensed?

I'm not saying it isn't a pain, but it's perfectly logical and reasonable.

Comment Re:Dear Sony, I am delighted! (Score -1) 155

I'm not seeing the problem with a company, if that is how they wish to conduct their business, making it hard for people to duplicate their output without payment. Exactly what is "consumer hostile" about ensuring consumers have paid for what they consume? Hint for you; if you didn't pay for it, you are not a customer of the company, and why should they care if you are inconvenienced?

If you buy a BluRay disk and ruin it, then that's your problem and you should take more care. Why should the company who sold you it be obliged to do anything about it?

Comment Re:Dear Sony, I am delighted! (Score 2) 155

Seriously, are people still on about this?

The root kit scandal was a case of corporate ham-fisted ignorance dabbling in something they knew too little about. A ransomware attack on a different arm of the company, 9 years later, affecting people who had absolutely nothing to do with the root kit, is a criminal act.

If you're wearing a smile because of this you have very strange ideas about what's morally right, and really should be finding something more positive in life to make you happy.

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