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Comment Re:Wouldn't work (Score 1) 313

Came out more personal than it should have been. My bad. It's still the primary reason most have that "shitty programmer" experience, provided they actually hired a programmer (which would predicate the whole argument). Either way, wasn't my only point, so would be short sighted to focus in on some punched feelings.

Comment Re:Wouldn't work (Score 1) 313

I'm not talking about sanitizing inputs from a web form headed to an SQL database. If you're referring to the cheapest possible bidder that pays pennies for shit code, then obviously you'll get exactly what you pay for. You seem to think that that's the only option out there. It's not, and that's my point. Like I said, generic components that fit everyone's requirements are the hardest components to get right. I did not state, nor imply that they do not exist. You can infer, however, that there aren't that many out there that can truly be used by everybody.

I'm wiling to bet that the primary reason you've only experienced "shit programmers" that "mumble" and don't give a flying fuck about your business is percisely because of how much of a flying fuck you gave about them, personally and professionally. Give nothing but contempt, and you'll get nothing but contempt in return. Fail to invest in them, then don't expect any investment in you in return. Ride them constantly, and they'll give you a reason to ride them, because it wouldn't matter to them one way or the other... why should they bother if you'll never acknowledge anything anyway.

If my experience taught me anything, those concerned with blame are a cancer on the mind, creating an environment fit for a soap opera, forever stuck extinguishing existing fires simply because they won't bring the building up to code.

Comment Re:Wouldn't work (Score 1) 313

Clearly you do not program. The toughest components to design properly are those generic components that you'd require if you wish to have your paradise. The reason we create new wheels is because the set of current wheels will not fit the vehicle. Since most of us have clients that control what the vehicle looks like, what you're after is a pipe dream.

Comment Re:CNN argues it's worth the money (Score 1) 257

I actually paid the 1$/year for it, and it gave me immense pleasure doing so.
Firstly because they've made a good product and I believe they deserve to be rewarded, and secondly (and most importantly), it makes their monetisation clear as day, so it's less likely they will turn around and sell all of my data to the highest bidder, or start doing annoying stuff like pushing ads into my device.

That is, until they got bought by one of the worst companies in the tech world.

If they change that, or if Facebook starts mucking with it, I'll use something else.

The you're a lucky man. I wish I could just up and drop What's App like that, just like I wish I could do that to Facebook.
Unfortunately, the same network effects keep me from cancelling my FB account will now do the same for my WA one.

The problem isn't the technology. Replicating what's app is relatively simple as can be seen by the fact that Messenger apps are dime-a-dozen.
Getting that critical mass of users is what's hard to do, and why FB paid so much.

Comment Only indies, lately (Score 1) 669

One of my favourites lately has been RimWorld.
A sort of colony simulator where your characters have to survive the harsh environment of the planet where they crash-landed, as well as the occasional raiding parties.
It's similar to Prison Architect (another indie), which is also nice, but I prefer the sci-fi aspect of RimWorld.
The game is currently in alpha, but it already runs quite well, and has a Linux version.

I've also been playing Faster Than Light and Kerbal Space Program which need no introduction here, and Gunpoint which despite not being that new anymore, is a very compelling 2d platformer.
Unfortunately, Gunpoint only has a Windows version and runs like a dog on Wine (at least it did for me, YMMV).

On Android I've been playing The Room 2, which was released just a few days ago.
That one's also pretty good, but I think I enjoyed the first installation more. Not sure if it was because of the novelty at the time, but I feel like the first had more depth to each table.

AAA games are becoming less and less interesting for me. It feels like the really innovative game making is being done by indies. Big companies seem to be interested only in sure investments, so they keep on pushing the same stuff year after year.
Not that that's completely bad. I did enjoy the hell out of GTA V, but it does follow a formula.

Comment Re:Good point (Score 1) 120

Actually, for this one case, without a custom form altogether you'll be in a world of pain. The current solution we're working through invloves field_collection set to unlimited cardinality which hosts the date field with repeat. Damn thing will not submit, though (and you have to adjust the form elements parent's array or else the js messes up too). Oh well... perhaps in an update or two... but we opted for creating our own form handling for all of this to avoid it all.

Comment Re:Drupal (Score 1) 120

There is a caveat though. It's not possible to have multiple different repeats of an event. So something like every thursday at 7 and every friday at 8 is not possible without at least going though entity collection (which complicates things). Also, the event entry interface is quite lacking... haven't found a way get a full stack without at least doing the entry form through a custom module.

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