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Comment Not broke? (Score 1) 405

If only a minority of people vote for a system called democracy then that system is broken as everyone should have their say in some aspects of society even if choosing the leader is of no interest to them. Online voting will give people a more targeted say in what they want to choose.

Comment Re:Wrong, repeating myth (Score 1) 523

the trend will then be to treat computers like tools, tools that have to be maintained by the user; like in the case of a craftsman bringing his own tools to work.

then a corporation would save on tech support. you cannot use your tool? then you are incompetent at your job.

they would also save on machines, if people had to bring their own machines to work.

Comment keep alive (Score 1) 339

wouldn't it be more worthwhile setting up an infrastructure which constantly needs you expertise to stay running, the day you are not there to enter the magic code then "boom". then you could successfully claim having not touched the system after your contract is up. it would have to not be a time bomb but some kind of bash commands which you enter from memory every morning.

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