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Comment Re:Broadband cable? (Score 1) 36

This is, admittedly, slightly over my head as well.

I am sure that with regards to optical diodes and such, though, that they are referencing the actual hardware itself (not the dumb pipe), where switching and routing takes place. I believe the idea is that if you can build the circuits optically, they will be far more efficient -- noise/loss is far less, and the requisite voltages are much lower. No, I didn't RTFA [yet]. Get off my lawn.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 2) 288

This is easily the most annoying things about ads within any video-based entertainment these days, be it cable or the ads before the movie in the theater. Drives me totally nuts. I remember a snippet saying commercials/ads are allowed to be as loud as the loudest moment within whatever show or movie they are contained within. My ears are sensitive. These days I won't even watch things that aren't DVR'd yet, or will come back 30m later, so I can skip them, for this reason alone. Seriously advertisers, WTF is with your audio.

Comment Re:Honeywell is known for this (Score 1) 137

It's to set a precedent. Even if they fail, they have tried. In the future, should someone else actually (assuming Nest is not) infringe their patent, they will sue again. If they had not sued today, every single infringer in the future could just say, "look, they didn't care then - this is now arbitrary." Which has been shown to work in the past.

Comment Re:Wat? (Score 1) 130

Contrary to popular belief, natural selection is not specific to medicine, or anything else, for that matter. It is your ability to maintain your genetics to the point that they are passed on to the following generation. If you are willing to ignore medicinal science as a result of your own, direct or indirect, ignorance, that is natural selection at work. The same is true of many things which revolve around medicine. But being trampled by a stampede because you didn't listen when the experienced safariian, when he in fact told you to take proper precautions and you did not, is also an example of natural selection.

Comment Re:of course (Score 1) 167

I believe that GCC will, by default, utilize epoch time plus a few goodies (including your cycles of up-time as a vector), making it very difficult to re-seed a rand() with the same input. I agree though, it still does not fit the definition of "random."

Comment Re:Choice (Score 1) 303

Incredible. A guy named wjcofkc knows a guy named black_visions and has information (which would be illegal, assuming black_visions did not give it to him) regarding his medical diagnosis.

Do yourself a favor, step back, and get real. Depression is an awful thing, but this isn't an NYT article. There isn't even any resource of information to debate over, unless you want to argue the validity of some internet users' comments on a random suicide. Get off the soapbox.

Comment Re:Wrong summary, again (Score 1) 206

Look, I know this is /. alright. I get it. But... go to the store and hold one. Yes, the display is somewhat lacking compared to my Nexus. Yes, the software is buggy (which goes hand-in-hand with the call drops - Nokia is doing a decent job maintaining its sliver of marketshare, being relatively transparant with their problem regarding memory mismanagement). Yes, you're right, it's probably not going to take a third of the smartphone marketshare by itself.

But if you think this is a step backwards from the huge percentage of phones being sold currently, still running android from 2 years ago (for basically the same price as one of those - hear, hear, Droid 3, Droid X2, Droid wtf-ever), you're way the hell off base.

Comment Re:When people abuse prices go up (Score 2, Insightful) 503

Your drift is caught. However, this isn't really about anybody screwing anybody. The undertones of TFS should be pretty clear: Their business model is failing - creating more invasive measures against fraud is exactly what they need to focus on last if they've any fantasy of staying afloat. Which they don't (have this fantasy - as evidenced in the relatively complete ineptitude of their management). So, they will continue blame their customers again, and again, until the mirror is gone because the stockholders broke it in a fit of rage, and all that is left is the smoke.

Comment Re:Curious... (Score 2) 95

I deployed three Dell PCoIP thin clients for some public kiosks in a hotel. 16 months ago.

They had the best pricing and the integration with VMView was seamless. What's that about an existing installed base? This is about patents.

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