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Comment Re:math? maths? (Score 5, Informative) 688


Etymology of Mathematics on Wikipedia

The apparent plural form in English, like the French plural form les mathématiques (and the less commonly used singular derivative la mathématique), goes back to the Latin neuter plural mathematica (Cicero), based on the Greek plural (ta mathmatiká), used by Aristotle (384–322 BC), and meaning roughly "all things mathematical"; although it is plausible that English borrowed only the adjective mathematic(al) and formed the noun mathematics anew, after the pattern of physics and metaphysics, which were inherited from the Greek. In English, the noun mathematics takes singular verb forms. It is often shortened to maths or, in English-speaking North America, math


Comment Re:Still abusive (Score 5, Informative) 511

He specifically says that it doesn't care about what web sites you are visiting, it's the adresses to the cheat DRM servers it looks for, to detect if a cheat has dialed home from that computer. It only checked this if the account was already suspected of using the cheat.

So, in an impressive turn of events, many cheats now include DRM and anti-cheat codes. These phone home to a DRM server that confirms whether or not a cheater has paid to use that particular cheat

Also, he says that since the cheats invented countermeasures to this in just 13 days, they already stopped doing it. The summary is quite misleading. (Not necessarily a big surprise on slashdot...)

Submission + - Dice Holdings, Inc, deleting unflattering stories from Slashdot firehose 4

An anonymous reader writes: Stories submitted to the Slashdot firehose that take a negative view on the site's redesign are being deleted. 4 hours ago, it was full of anti-beta posts. Now they are gone. That's right. A forum that usually leaves V14GRA spam in place for posterity is deleting user content.

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