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Comment Re:Way too many humanities majors (Score 1) 397

I do think that the whole "University party culture" thing has seriously warped our societal view of higher education.

There are ton of people who don't view college as anything but a chance to go wild for 4 years. When I enrolled it was obvious that around half the students there were basically just a bunch of children that were finally turned loose without parental supervision.

Heck I went to a state university with 7 students from my high school graduating class (only 3 of which graduated). One girl dropped out after 1 year, but got a fast food job right next to campus (4 hours away from home) just so that she could continue to party with all people still in college.

Comment Re:The real booth babes ain't on the floor at RSA. (Score 5, Interesting) 326

Well, I guess it is a result of selecting differently based on personal preferences, parties and companies that need bought women, vs those who don't.

This weird taboo attitude towards sex confuses me.

Compare it to say, food. How much sense would it make if someone was proudly proclaiming their social and masculine prowess because they flew into a foreign town and then managed to track down a random stranger and after several hours of conversation and work, they convinced this stranger to cook them dinner. Might not even be a good dinner, but by golly they cooked it.

You'd consider them half crazy for not just going to a restaurant and ordering something - that would have probably been more enjoyable. As crazy as it sounds though, we attach that same thought process to sex. A guy who spends 4 hours worth of time and $200 in drinks and dinner to bed some random girl is seen as awesome while a guy who cuts to the chase with a $300 prostitute is shunned.

And the best (or I guess worst) excuse I've heard - from women - as to why prostitution shouldn't be legalized? Because if men had access to sex that easily they'd lose too much power in the relationship. That's the honest to goodness answer I've heard from quite a few of them.

Comment Re:it could have been an accident (Score 1) 737

If that happens one bullet doesn't typically "push" the other one out. Typically a bore obstruction will cause pressure to build dramatically resulting in a buldged and potentially ruptured barrel. You'd still quite possibly die with the gun to your head - but you wouldn't likely have 2 bullets in it.

BTW - usually this occurs on accident, not intentionally. Often times following what's termed a "squib" - a round of ammunition with a primer seated but no gun powder. The primer detonates and is enough to drive the bullet slightly into the barrel, but not out of it.

This is particularly a problem on a revolver. On a semi-auto a squib usually won't cycle the action, meaning you'd have to clear a jam first and might likely realize that something is wrong (a squib sounds very, very quiet compared to a normal shot). On a revolver though if you're shooting the next cylinder will just rotate into place and fire - the action isn't powered by the previous shot.

Comment Re:Missionaries (Score 1) 119

I pretty much hate our "disposable" culture anyways. Building things to a higher quality and repairing them when they break is just much more resource friendly - and you end up with better stuff to boot.

Which is better - a $15 waffle iron from Walmart that breaks and needs to be replaced every other year - or a $75 one that will last 25 years and when it does eventually break can be fixed for $10 to run another year? Which uses less raw materials over the life of the product? Think about not only the construction materials but also the packaging as each time that replacement comes in more plastic, cardboard, and styrofoam packaging.

As a people (and really as a planet) we seem to have forsaken and inclination to look at things from a long term perspective - its all about what's cheap in the short term. Eventually we will have to look at things differently.

Comment Re:well.. (Score 2) 760

To my knowledge (correct me if I'm wrong), the money from tickets issued by the police goes at least partially to the local county and state

You're correct that in most (all?) of the US the local municipality gets a portion of any driving citations.

That's why many of them (at least here in SC) will often issue a "Careless Operation" ticket when they pull you over as a "favor". A speeding ticket here is often less than $100 but levies "points" against your license (ie, they make your insurance rate go up). Careless Operation runs around $250 but has no points associated, so your insurance generally isn't affected. The drivers thinks they're getting off lucky as the extra $150 in fines is much lower than the difference in insurance premiums would be and the police get a portion of a larger fine.

There is actually one small town nearby here that is documented to have over 2/3 of its annual budget come from traffic citations. The "town" is little more than an intersection with a population of under 100 people, but they have a police force of exactly 1 officer who just writes tickets all day long. The speed limit conveniently drops from 55 mph to 35 mph for about 1/4 mile while driving through there. Locals know better than to speed through that area, but they mostly catch people just passing through. I've always joked with friends that its a ticketable offense to drive through there with out-of-state plates.

Comment Re:Missionaries (Score 1) 119

The Chinese, Indian and Eastern European devs are starting to get costly

That's not necessarily a bad thing. As the living standards an education levels of each group goes up eventually places run out of cheap backwaters to outsource to. Eventually the whole world gets more skilled and more prosperous.

Comment Re:Shouldn't they be after Google? (Score 2) 148

The Wright brothers pretty much killed off the fledgling aviation industry in the US by patenting everything related to aviation

Patents also helped here though - sometimes designing around them spurs innovation.

The Wright Brothers had a "warping wing" method for turning the plane that they had patented. To get around that patent aileron's were invented - and were a far superior technology.

Comment Re:We'll see (Score 1) 116

Compared to Ouya most certainly, but Amazon has 15x the market cap of Nvidia. The only thing Nvidia has there is potentially better hardware specs, and a stronger brand identification with the games industry.

Although one thing that may have hobbled the FireTV was making the game controller an optional accessory. It is harder to convince devs to target a platform when only part of your userbase can really take advantage of stuff.

Comment We'll see (Score 2) 116

Honestly, I don't doubt the technical feasibility of an Android console, but they just don't seem to be catching on.

I was one of the "early adopters" that bought an Ouya. I figured I would mostly use it for XBMC anyways and the games would just be a bonus. Thankfully XBMC works OK as the games never really materialized there (the Final Fantasy ports are about the only thing decent available).

I also bought a FireTV - again, mostly as a video device (Netflix, Hulu) for the living room TV. Again - the games haven't really taken off. The Telltale games are available on it (but then again they're available almost everywhere) and I did see SW: Knights of the Old Republic was made available for it, but overall its pretty stale.

Personally, I'm not going to be rushing out for this one until it proves itself to not be another flop. The only thing that MIGHT would interest me would be the ability to stream games from a PC, but all the steaming options I've seen in the past recommend a wireless or "robust" Wifi connection, which I generally interpret to mean it'll suck over WIFI.

Comment Re:Easy of porting over is the key (Score 1) 199

Not sure how much easier it could be. Yes, I'm a technically savvy user, but I haven't had to "exercise" any of those skills on my home machine in forever. If I wan to install a program it really is just as easy as going to Software Center and searching for it - not unlike an "App store" on a phone.

I even find it easier than Windows because the update process for the system takes care of application updates too.

Now I do maintain quite a few Linux servers at work that do require a lot more knowledge, but they don't even have a GUI installed.

Comment Re:Best idea is not to hide. (Score 1) 247

In both "major" zombie mythos right now (Romero's world and The Walking Dead), anyone who dies becomes a zombie. You don't have to be bitten - bites simply result in death in relatively short order so that one returns.

People die all the time - over 150,000 per day - sometimes without warning. Now take into account that in most "zombie scenarios" the world is familiar with such a disease or phenomenon. The initial impact of that would be devastating. Many people would likely initially proclaim it a miracle - running up to embrace a loved one that has seemingly come back to life. Or a doctor checking on a patient that had just recently died. Considering that no one would immediately know that incapacitating the brain was required to put them down, I'd wager that many would be bitten trying to restrain the zombie (thinking it alive) and assist someone being attacked.

In the early outbreak I'd wager that each zombie would probably end up biting at least half a dozen people. If they turn within a few hours I'd wager the same thing will play out at least 3 times or so. By that time we're talking about MILLIONS of zombies.

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