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Comment Re:What Experts can learn about reality (Score 2) 112

Antivirus software is a layer of security

AV software may be a layer of security; but it often adds more security holes than it closes. Overall, AV software generally is more of a placebo than anything else. You can actually solve the issue better by being more security aware and careful to start with.

Comment Re:As a former expert (Score 1) 112

while the cost of a security incident is not nearly as measurable and doesn't affect everyone.

Depends on the security incident. Not every security incident will necessarily effect everyone in the company, but many can. It's just matter of which one hits the company first.

And honestly, the security incidents that do effect the whole company only greater for knowledge oriented companies.

In the end, Security Experts have to look at everything as necessarily effecting the whole company because any little security issue could potentially become a bigger security issue - a cascading effect. For instance, a malware that exported data (f.e username/password) via LED flashes to a camera that had view of the LED could provide an outsider access they wouldn't have had otherwise; get the right information that way and an attacker could compromise the whole company.

Comment Re:Not the same at all (Score 1) 153

HPV is listed as an STD, and really only becomes an issue when two or more incompatible strains interact - meaning, multiple partners within relatively short periods, again - a lifestyle choice.

Because you can quite easily get HPV sexually, that makes it an STD -- a "Sexually Transmitted Disease." But you can also get it via casual contact. Which you cannot control. Also, and rather finally, as you can't control other people's behavior or contacts, nor promise your behavior or contacts will keep you clear of this, it needs vaccination. Just the numbers alone tell you HPV needs vaccination: A 50% infection rate in the general population. No set of excuses can make that number go away. But vaccination can.

If it were really that bad, then they'd require it of all ages. They don't. Further, the vaccine itself is problematic.

And as I said, the issue is not whether you have any given strain of HPV - the body usually fights it off just fine; it's when you have multiple strains at the same time.

And you can control your own behaviour (it's called self-control, which I know recent generations are abhorrent to do, especially when it comes to sex) - you can control how much sexual contact you have (aside from rape and molestation), and you can control how much you wash, etc; all things that provide protection without getting vaccinated.

Comment Re:Not the same at all (Score 1) 153

By "lifestyle", you imply choice, which is an incorrect analysis of threat vectors for HPV. In any case, even if it were only sexual behavior that resulted in HPV transmission (it isn't), sexuality is hardly a "lifestyle." The vast majority of people engage in it, and of the remainder, a large number are trying to or intend to.

HPV presently has about a 50% incidence in the US population.

Combine that fact with the knowledge that HPV 16 and 18 cause about 70% of cervical cancers and that these can be passed non-sexually -- now it is obvious we need to vaccinate.

Actually, it is a lifestyle as in you choose what you do; HPV is listed as an STD, and really only becomes an issue when two or more incompatible strains interact - meaning, multiple partners within relatively short periods, again - a lifestyle choice.

Comment Re:Am I the only guy here that likes G+? (Score 1) 153

Did you forget day one of Google+? everyone who had an gmail account was forced to be a google + member. That and every thing you had was open to everyone all your email contacts, Everything you thought was private was now not private with no choices to stop it. Really your asking why?

No quite. Google+ was around as "invite only" before they did that.

Comment Re:Am I the only guy here that likes G+? (Score 1) 153

BTW, G+ is for Google employees, tumbleweeds, and people who don't know they have a G+ account.

Funny...I'm not a Google employee and I know I have a G+ account - I specifically created it. I much prefer G+ to Facebook, etc and spend more time on G+ than any other social network.

Now, don't mistake this for Google fan-dom, I rarely touch my gmail account; and rarely comment on anything in YouTube. My main uses of Google are G+, Calendar, Hangouts (chat), and Search.

Comment Re:They're worthless. (Score 1) 213

No. It's how it is supposed to be used.

Those LEDs are pure status LEDs and have no other means than to tell you how the next input will be interpreted by the computer. They are meaningless without input from the keyboard, and are only considered in the context of input.

Next up: Keyboard LED TCP

Seriously, any kind of output can be controlled to perform some kind of protocol, even the numlock/scrolllock/caplock LEDs on the keyboard. For instance, malware could be configured to use Morris Code to output usernames and passwords it finds on the computer for a camera to pick up. Industrial espionage could be done by having a spy camera hidden, with embedded malware used to push information out the LEDs off-hours when people are not watching; the intervals could be fast enough to look like a steady light unless you review the camera and see the frame on, frame off sequencing.

So yes, it could be used as an output device, even though it's intended use is only as an indicator. To prevent this, you'd have to prevent the computer from being able to push key codes to a keyboard, but then multiple keyboards (virtual/physical/etc) would get out-of-sync.

Comment Re:The Nine Things (Score 1) 65

- Add public keys to major services

Public Key doesn't really get you much. Theoretically it means you're using a Certificate Authority (CA) to validate both sides; however, a centralized CA is still vulnerable and problematic. A Web-of-Trust system is harder to manage but can be more secure. In both cases everyone has to implement best practices and keep good key sets, which is often not the case.

With PGP/GPG people tend to keep relatively short life-spans on their keys, even then that can be between 1 and 5 years. Still, this is better than CA systems where people tend to make 5-10 year keys, often long enough now that the algorithms are being broken before the keys are replaced, and most don't use Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) as well because they're too painful to maintain, and essentially reduces a CA system back to a Web-of-Trust system in that respect.

- Build better random number generators

There are already world-class random number generators (RNGs)...but they're costly. So we have pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) to try to keep the costs down. Of course, RNGs are primarily expensive due to patents and companies trying to keep it to themselves instead of fully sharing the tech. But you've got to get companies to share the data more and at cheaper prices if you want to improve RNGs and PRNGs.

- Expand trusted hardware

Now this is just false. Trusted Hardware - e.g systems booted with SecureBoot/Palladium/TrustedComputing/etc - don't really buy you anything other than locking down everything to the few "trusted" vendors that get to decide what software runs and which doesn't. As the leading push for this tech is Microsoft, which has one of the worst security records, I wouldn't count on it being used for anything other than vendor lock-in.

- Add Merkle trees to the file system

So TFA's assertion here is that Operating Systems, and more specifically their File Systems, don't do enough to keep data on disk from being pieced together by a bad actor. Sorry, but that's not a very good solution since they already have access to the system, either physically or on-line. If they have on-line access then it doesn't matter - the OS will help them get the data; if they have it physically, well, disk encryption is a better solution (though painful and costly in performance).

- Build more block chains and extend them for others

- Add chaining to Internet interactions

TFA's argument - everyone should be like BitCoin.

Well, this could help communications some...but that's kind of already happening with encrypted communications, just not the way BitCoin does it. Still, that could make an interesting prospect, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily more secure. For instance, a MITM attack could still fool you since it would be able to talk to the other parties and make them both think the chain was intact properly; the attack surface would be reduced since the MITM attack would have to happen at the start of the connection; but then, any good MITM attack does that.

So all this really tells you is that the information send between two parties is a continuous flow of information; however, it has the issue that is completely serializes all communications (in order to create and preserve the chain) and that doesn't work for every protocol.

- Build out cross-linked certified websites

This is the basic idea behind key-sharing systems. Whether web-of-trust (PGP/GPG) or CA systems. In both cases you have to exchange information with a third (trusted) party to verify the information. It can help some, but it's no silver bullet by any long shot. See above for details.

- Add homomorphic encryption

- Add encryption

More encryption. Yes, encryption can help, but it doesn't solve MITM attacks that use the encryption to their advantage - e.g by joining into the encryption stream. Yes, it makes MITM harder, but it doesn't prevent it.

That said, encryption is good; but it also means you need more powerful systems to meet the same performance requirements because encryption - and especially good encryption - is costly in terms of performance.

All that said, there is a better solution to any of the above - better programming practices that are designed around security. However, this requires retraining pretty much every software developer, the majority of which will complain that it takes away their ability to be artistic and thereby refuse to follow said practices. It also requires software producers (individuals and companies alike) to put security first in all software; but that too is unlikely to happen.

In programming, Security doesn't start with interfacing to other systems - it starts with making each individual function as secure as it can be; preferably not trusting anything more than it absolutely has to, validating all input and generating an error when the input is not within the specifications.

Comment Re:How developers can lock down the internet. (Score 1) 65

Seriously, most of the problem is education. Encryption and not doing stupid things is the key. That and preventing users from NOTbooting Linux.

There fixed that for you.

Seriously, Mac and Windows are far more security issues than even the most lax Linux distro.

And homogenous environments, while in some ways easier to manage, are also a security nightmare simply because at attack at one point will equally work at another. In this respect, Linux is awesome - just mix up the hardware (PPC, x86-64, ARM, MIPS, Power, etc) between everything; you can keep a user homogenous environment while creating a very heterogeneous environment for attackers. Not possible with Windows or Mac.

Comment Re:Good day (Score 1, Offtopic) 91

But can compile for a target as old as WinXP.

Only if you have a version of Visual Studios installed that supports WInXP. They started that with VS2012 where you could still target WinXP if and only if you have VS2010 installed; VS 2012 was the first version of VS to use a predecessor's compiler environment to support older platforms.

Comment Well.. (Score 1) 63

..I stopped using Facebook Chat when they started wanting a separate app on my phone for it. I don't use it enough to justify a separate app. So now it's just an annoyance as the main Facebook app keeps telling me I have a message, but won't let me read the message - they never bothered to remove the panel from the main app that use to be for chats, it's now a promotional for the other app.

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