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Comment Re:Sales figures (Score 3, Informative) 487

No idea how they make up sales numbers.

Apple's own sales numbers say they sold 74 million iPads in 2014. Not sure how gartner lost 4 million.

Also, Apple's numbers are reported as sales to users, everyone else uses sales to channel (the channel can return unsold stock to the company in the following quarter but can still claim it sold that many)

Comment Re:unpossible! (Score 3, Interesting) 108

To be fair, Apple does a hell of a lot to prevent user stupidity from installing Malware. Such as blacklisting known malware nearly immediately (as soon as Apple reverse engineers it, its signature is pushed out to ever mac user via a list that is updated every 24 hours).

The sad thing is and a major security flaw of Apple's is that they create trust with third parties based on code signing. This allows code signed malware to skip the normal malware checks in Mac OS X. (It's super trivial to get multiple code signing certs from Apple and Apple doesn't verify code certs applications for individuals)


Fancy Yourself a Tycoon? OpenTTD 1.4.0 On Its Way 106

phmadore writes "Version 1.4.0 (.TAR.GZ)of the most intellectually challenging OSS game out there (IMO), OpenTTD (Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe), is near at hand. Of course, most servers are still running 1.3.3 (the last stable, major version change, from November/December-ish). typically waits until a stable release has been around for a minute to implement the changes into its online client (which is as yet unavailable as a binary for Linux; it varies only slightly from the official release and non-Windows users are able to interface with it no problem), but there are exciting developments coming down the pipe for OpenTTD. 'The new SSE blitters were also further improved. Not immediately noticeable but useful in the future, are the new string codes to display amounts of cargo in NewGRFs. For our Korean users, the separators in numbers were fixed.' Here is some information on the history of OTTD."

Comment Re:BS (Score 2) 284

Politely, thats crap, ever heard of updates? They, apple/Google/MS all do "updates" that "change"your phone/computer settings without your permission. That activate "features" in your system until you find out about later after some security expert notifies the public about what they did. Even then you have no idea what else has happened, since the companies/the phone/computer/parts/whatever/ even don't know what has been shipped, or refuse to elaborate on what they did, or they have been ordered by the FISA courts to keep quiet about what was added.....

You make a good point. Where are the Android release notes for each release? Where are the security advisories published when they've fixed a vulnerability?

Comment Re:They can't stop unlockers (Score 1) 284

If the attacker has physical access, the crypto key is still based on a PIN and (hopefully) some fixed number related to the hardware. The PIN is easy to guess in an offline attack, and the hardware info is also easily accessible. Therefore, full disk crypto doesn't help here either.

Apple documents how it figures out the encryption keys... you could look that up instead of saying "hopefully". Furthermore, you can't "guess" it in an offline attack easily. Well, if you have six months or so and a robot arm to do it, then maybe. Every time you enter an incorrect PIN, it takes longer and longer before you can attempt a different pin. Going from 0000 to 0010 will take around half a business day. Then it gets worse!

Comment Re:They can't stop unlockers (Score 4, Insightful) 284

Google has removed apps that are banned from the Google Play store from people's devices remotely. Apple has not.

Is an unknown fear in the future somehow better for you to digest than that fear being played out in the past and present? (Apple's "may" versus Google's "has and does and will continue to do")

I still have the "Asian Boobs" apps I downloaded off the App Store on my iPhone even though it has long, long since been removed from App Store. (Yes, it's actually called "Asian Boobs")

Comment Re:Nice (Score 1) 74

Where did you get this? The article doesn't mention anything close to this and traditionally Apple has fought to prevent the product from being sold under certain prices because they don't want their products to appear "cheap".

From the carriers that complain they can't make as much profit on an iPhone as they do on other phones? The carriers want to increase the price of the iPhones to consumers to increase their profit margins.

Comment Re:Nice (Score 2, Insightful) 74

Price-fixing is artificially keeping a product's cost higher than the product is worth via collusion. Display manufacturers, various entertainment stores (Sam Goody), and memory makers have done this a lot in the past.

The opposite of price-fixing is negotiating a deal so carriers cannot charge a higher price on the iPhone than the iPhone's going rate in that region. Carriers want to carry the iPhone, but they also want to charge much more than the MSRP for the iPhone. Apple says, "You can't do both!"

Basically, the carriers in taiwan want to engage in price-fixing for the iPhone, but the agreement they willingly made with Apple prevents it.

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