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Comment Blame the system (Score 1) 296

The judicial system deserves more blame the RIAA for this. The judicial system is setup, guided and managed purely to serve the interests of the lawyers.
And they do everything to make it complicated, slow and expensive. They make the laws and they get paid to fight for/against it as well.

Comment Re:antitrust, et al. (Score 1, Insightful) 166

Power corrupts. Doesn't matter if the person with power has shit that doesn't stink. By nature, the stronger person will eventually abuse his power.

Good point. Would you apply this to the political parties as well?
I mean the democratic party is getting way too powerful - are Obama's Doj people going to look into that as well?

Comment Re:Good Next Step (Score 1) 312

but $500 is $150 too much for a larger version of the Kindle 2

Maybe you mean "$500 is $150 too much than what I'm willing to pay" - if it is back-ordered like the earlier models, it means that $500 is too low. What it costs amazon to build is irrelevant to the sales price (if it costs them $5000, you wouldn't pay that, will you?)

Comment Re:Where in the hell is this a function of governm (Score 1) 405

When I see arguments like this (govt. should do X - look at how society will benefit from that), I usually say:

That's a great idea. Similar to that, the govt should also:
  • Regulate dating and marriage - this will lead to a lower divorce rate and improve society
  • Regulate when and how many children a couple can have - imagine the benefits to soceity
  • etc

The danger is, some nanny-staters will agree with some of the "ideas" above.

Comment Re:two ways to solve the tax "scam" (Score 2, Informative) 1505

Lower tax rates can spur economic growth, but so can government spending (funded by higher tax rates)
Except that you're laundering all of that money through a notoriously inefficient, pork-laden, sinkhole that kills its efficient allocation.

"Efficient allocation" is not the problem with the GP's theory. If the GP is correct, none of us need to work! We can all sit back while the govt. just spends money (don't ask him where the govt get the money and what the consequences are).

Evey effing moron is now a Keynesian - nothing too surprising there.

Comment Re:Administration (Score 1) 753

you mean like the manattan project? the apollo project? Nasa?

I have a feeling he may be talking about the other stuff like 'War on drugs/terrorism/etc' - but of course, you would never have thought of that.

Economics does not have a "goal" of efficiency any more than nuclear physics has a "goal" of producing the biggest, most powerful bomb possible. It needs to be leveraged to the benefit of humanity.

And what makes you think that politicians and bureaucrats are better motivated and have all the necessary information than private individuals? If that were the case, Cuba, N. Korea, pre-92 India and the Soviet Union would be economic giants instead of basket cases.

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