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Feed Science Daily: Biocontrol Of Invasive Water Hyacinth Contributes To Socioeconomic And Health Im (

Scientists have implemented a successful bioeradication program of an invasive water weed in Africa's Lake Victoria. Two insect biocontrol species, weevils in the genus Neochetina, were used, along with mechanical removal, to control the highly invasive water hyacinth, which has also plagued waterways in the southern United States.

Comment Re:Wake up, Bill (Score 2, Informative) 464

Yes but the issue is all the performance doesn't matter if your researchers aren't using it to solve problems. See for more info on this. This is the big HPC push that IBM, Cray, and SUN are participating in. Also a company that I think is kinda cool is working on a very common use of HPC tools by non-computer people. They are very focused on providing easy to use ultra low maintainance computational tools primarially for the bio-informatics community. One of the founders of the company worked an LANL on green-desitiny (or something like that) which was designed to be a low power low maintainance super computing resource at LANL. After all that, the short answer is yes performance is important but there is a lot of work and interest in making sure that this performance can actually be used by the people that are actually solving problems. Mark

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