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Comment Re:Linked article isn't accurate (Score 1) 139

While I was in the Air Force, I had a security clearence and had to go through the same background checks. I told them from the beginning I had smoked pot before and had no trouble. That's not the issue. The issue is if you lie about it. If you lie about anything and they find out about it, that's when you fail the check. There are other things as well. If you have people you talk to from certain countries. One person I worked with failed his check because his ex wife was from one of those countries. He did eventually get his clearance, but he couldn't work for a while. Doing the check for everyone may seem excessive, but anyone who works in the same building that classified information is kept in could potentially pick up classified information.

Comment I blame (Score 1) 1104

Republicans, Democrats, and the current US government in general. They're more concerned with keeping their elected positions than actually helping the country. Oh yes, they spend and spend to do all sorts of good, but it's all about what they think will give them votes. Where the money comes from is always someone else's problem. And the fact that no one takes any but the two major partys seriously hinders any improvement. They are complacent as a whole and until there's some sort of wake up call, will continue down the same road.

Submission + - Robotic FX looses patent suit (

Voltageaav writes: After Robotic FX won a contract to supply the US Army over iRobot, they lose in iRobot's patent suit against them. Not only does iRobot now have the $286 million contract, but as part of the ruleing, the Robotic FX is forced to disband and their founder is banned from participating in the robotics industry for the next 5 years. They very well may have been infringeing on patents, but is this really better for the country?

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