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Comment Re:Jump Ship (Score 2) 86

That's true, but keep in mind Qt for iOS and Android is very, very new and who knows what the furute will bring. Baby steps :-)
QtWebKit on desktop platforms (Linux, FreeBSD, Windows) is fast by the way. We did some tests on a Raspberry Pi and QtWebkit is faster than e.g., Midori (also Webkit based, and the default on the R-Pi).

Comment Re:Jump Ship (Score 3, Informative) 86

Not only that, but it allows integration of Web technologies and native code, having the best of both worlds. For example, on the desktop side, you could call Javascript code in Webkit from the C++ side of things, and vice versa. I actually just uploaded a video showing this on the Raspberry Pi (starts at ~50 seconds in): In case you're wondering what that is, it's a GPS Mapping application for our trackers (for more info, see our Indiegogo page:
This allows for optimized applications on low power devices, while still being able to use web technologies where it makes sense.

Comment Re:More important: Why are they drying up? (Score 2) 178

this increases their operating costs

This is the reason we run our non-profit,, on a per project basis with basically no running operating costs at all. We find funding for our projects in our spare time, not as an employment deal. We have gathered a team of people from around the globe who put their time and effort into the foundation, nonsalaried. Of course, people willing to do that are hard to find, but the ones that are willing to do this are the ones you really can rely on. We also did not just pop into existence one day, even though the actual body was only launched a couple of weeks ago. We combined the efforts of several companies, their past projects, leveraging their skill sets across the projects we want to achieve and find funding for those on a per project basis. If there is no project ongoing, there are no running costs.

Comment Re:But even if college was FREE sending all to (Score 2) 668

Coming from a country where college is free: you have to make sure there is no stigma against trades / tech schools. It's not that because it's college it's automatically 'better' or 'higher'. Also, it's not that because it is free, everyone is going to make it or even like doing it - far from it actually.

Submission + - An Open Source GPS Tracker with a difference (

PurpleAlien writes: "This project aims to provide a low cost Open Source GPS tracking solution. Now, there are other GPS tracking systems out there, but what makes this one unique is the software to manage multiple tracking units, multiple map providers such as OpenStreetMap, Google Maps and also Google StreetView with others on the way. The project also aims to support other tracker hardware out there with the same software.

The software supports Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, and Android based devices — and also iOS if it gets funded. The Raspberry Pi is supported as well as a tracking base station.

Both the hardware and the software will be Open Sourced. The hardware using an Atmel micro controller, and the hope is that this will be a project that can serve as a stepping stone from Arduino to plain C for those who want to take that step. For this, all the unused pins of the micro controller are available on the production version for user to attach their own hardware to and be creative.

Disclaimer: I'm one of the project leads"

Comment Re:It won't last... (Score 1) 29

Time is always a factor in choosing the right algorithm. Security is a function of time: depending on how long you want to keep stuff secure, the price, complexity and key size increases to anticipate faster computing resources and advancements in cryptanalysis. There are various cryptographic algorithms already which will still be secure even if we have a practical quantum computer tomorrow.

Comment Re:What's the future of particle physics? (Score 1) 170

"Just like you can never confirm the theory of evolution right?" A theory holds up for as long as the evidence matches the predictions of the theory. As soon as experimental evidence shows inconsistencies with the established theory, the theory is either modified, or a new theory is build up to explain the new phenomenon as well as the phenomena covered by the previous theory. The same happened to Newton's theories about motion: they make sense for day to day world objects and serves that purpose really well, but breaks down at e.g., speeds approaching the speed of light. This is why the theory of relativity was developed (and at the same time replacing an older theory called Galilean invariance). Another theory that was completely replaced was the one describing motion of planets, for example the one by Ptolemy "Geocentric Theory of Planetary Motion", which got replaced by Copernicus. Theories can only be disproved. Confirmation of a theory holds up when the experimental results and theoretical predictions match, and it is impossible to do this for all possible situations, so we can only augment, improve or replace theories based on experimental results to get the most accurate model possible.

Comment Re:Who gets to request code? (Score 1) 221

I would argue that if the virus would end up on my computer (asked for or not), it was distributed to me - hence I have the right to ask for the source code under the GPL. Furthermore, I could have gotten the code from Kasperski Labs for instance for my research, and would also be able to ask for the code. Remember that the distribution of the binary does not necessarily need to be done by the original source - anyone receiving a GPL'd binary has the right to redistribute, under the same terms as the original.

Comment Re:Wait, what now? (Score 3, Informative) 462

It's actually not just a matter of the IDE alone. For me it's the combination of the IDE and Qt itself. People often forget Qt is not just a GUI toolkit - it provides a wealth of classes to implement really nice integrated applications.

Let me give one example to clarify this: suppose you want to write an application which needs to interact with web content, say, a map (Google Maps or OpenStreetMaps for instance). You want GUI controls on the C++ side which interact with markers on the map, you want to interact with the JavaScript in the map from your C++ code and pass data back and forth (like this: You want to integrate web content in your desktop application - It's all there.

Same if you want to use video, xml, link with a (embedded) database like SQlite, use GL content, use web services, gestures, (and many more:, QtQuick for certain user interface (here:, the signal/slot paradigm, the excellent documentation, etc. it's all there without having to go look for third pary libraries - plus it's all cross platform. You can take the same code, compile on Windows and move to Linux or Mac and it usually is just a matter of importing the project into Creator on the target platform and recompile it. All this is just fun to do with QtCreator because it is so well integrated and QtCreator is fine tuned for this.

When looking purely at the IDE, I guess both have their advantages and disadvantages - but the ease and speed with which Qt and Creator allow for the development of cross platform applications and the overall speed of Creator make it come out ahead of VS.

Submission + - Neutrino's faster than light after all? (

PurpleAlien writes: "It seems that the last word on the speed of neutrino's has not yet been written. In an other experiment to verify the speed of neutrino's, similar results were measured as in the now famous experimental results published last September. This time around, the experiment in question used much shorter bursts of neutrino's; 3 nanoseconds instead of 10 microseconds, which would eliminate a possible erroneous measurements in the previous experiment .

The full paper is available on Arxiv here:"

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