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Comment Re:Yay I suppose (Score 1) 25

MegaUpload's current captchas. Oh lordy are those awful.

On the subject of CAPTCHAs, the one used in gmail is just horrible, I could not get it right and had to resort to the voice option to get past it

Comment Re:Yawn. (Score 1) 610

I can't believe he's spending 6 weeks on "If we have free will then so do things that we interact with." I wouldn't think that was meat enough for a good paper, more less six weeks of lectures...Though I guess that's snarky, since I've read innumberable goddamn books about free will, even one's with this guy in 'em (Freedom Evolves by Daniel Dennet, had a long bit about the Game o' Life.)

You misunderstand, the publics requirement to attend the explanation is an age requirement of atleast six weeks. Looks like he managed to simplify the matter a lot!

Comment Re:Ok then... (Score 1) 244

Exactly how is someone going to get photo of you of sufficient quality to fool the recognition system without you knowing about it? You'll see the person taking the photo, and thus be able to deal with the potential breach before it ever happens.

And how exactly would I be supposed to deal with it? Visit my plastic surgeon?

Comment Re:race? (Score 1) 397

No if we had worked together things would still be tied up in a international comittee and at best we would have a non-binding resolution to send a strongly worded letter to the moon stating our intentions to visit it someday.

And said letter would have been delivered in person by a private courier company

Comment Re:How nifty! (Score 1) 166

Actually, Googles current servers reside in Sweden, where it recently became possible to snoop on all traffic passing trough the country.

Google itself, or maybe after some prompting from Russians might have found it prudent to move to a country that at least yet does not allow any snooping.

Lex Nokia is currently encountering resistance in all media, so it might not pass after all.


Watching Tonight's Presidential Debate Online 349

farkinga writes "For those of us that no longer have a television, live TV events can be a challenge to watch. Fortunately, tonight's Presidential Debate has attracted the attention of most US broadcasters, many of whom will provide online viewing options. Leading the way is Hulu, a joint venture between NBC Universal and News Corp, who will stream the Fox-branded feed tonight — assuming they worked out the bandwidth issues that came up during the second debate!"
The Courts

State of Kentucky Seizes Control of 141 Domain Names 505

ashmodai9 writes "In a rather interesting (read: insane) decision, a district judge in the State of Kentucky has awarded control of 141 online gambling domain names to the governor of the state. Most of these are hosted offshore, and very few are registered under US domain name registrars, let alone registrars in the State of Kentucky (are there any?). You can check out the press release here, and confirm that the Commonwealth of Kentucky does in fact now 'own' these domain names by performing a WHOIS search on any of the domains listed here."
Your Rights Online

RIAA Loses $222K Verdict 342

jriding writes "The $222,000 verdict against Jammy Thomas for copyright infringement by P2P is no more. US District Court Judge Michael Davis dismissed the verdict, saying it was based on the faulty 'making available' theory of distribution."

Comment Also affects OS X and linux (Score 5, Informative) 282

This same vulnerability also affects OS X as reported here:

As well, as Linux, as reported in an earlier 2005 report about this firewire feature:

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