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Comment Seems fairly obvious... (Score 1) 335

1.) Isn't this what a will is for?

2.) If you're really concerned about security, you could have the portion of the will that deals with passwords and such encrypted, and keep the encryption key in a different location or with a different agency, with instructions to each that the key is only to be used upon the event of your death.

Comment Re:What exactly *is* a "soul", anyway? (Score 1) 630

Only if it's enviroment it evolved in has been similar to are own. Otherwise it would show a different type of cognition.

Granted, which is why I used the word "similar". On reflection, even that word is insufficient. I meant "similar" only in that the system would achieve a self-awareness...not that it would in any way resemble our own, since (as you pointed out), there's no reason to assume that it would, and several reasons to assume that it wouldn't. In fact, one of the principal hazards of emergent self-awareness in machines may be that it results in an awareness so radically alien from ours that we each fail to recognize the other as self-aware.

Comment Re:I don't know if that's good or bad... (Score 1) 412

What happened? I thought you were "done here".

Yes, you stated that there's no basis to say that it has been a success of failure. I remarked upon that in my previous post, saying that I was glad you weren't going to try to make the case that the absence of attacks were some sort of evidence that the program was working.

Which, of course, is what you immediately proceeded to do in your next two sentences.

Then, you immediately followed up with another disclaimer, already trying to cover your ass. What you did is equivalent to an attorney asking a witness an improper question, and then immediately saying "withdrawn" when the opposing attorney makes their objection. The judge can instruct the jury to disregard, but it doesn't matter. The subject is already out there. That's exactly the turd you tried to float here, and you're still squalling over my sinking of it.

One. More. Time.

If you honestly didn't intend the implication, retract your words now. If you did, stand behind your words. I'm not particularly interested in anything else you might have to say.

Comment Re:I don't know if that's good or bad... (Score 1) 412

Read my entire post.

I addressed that under "subsequent mealy-mouthed attempts at evasion", thanks.

Your antics here remind me rather strongly of Neil Cavuto and his "Cavuto Mark" on FOX "News". Same bullshit insinuation technique, same profuse denials when called on it.

Once again, seeing as how you were called on it by two other posters besides myself, your implication was clear, regardless of how hysterically you deny it. If you honestly didn't intend the implication, retract your words now. If you did, stand behind your words. But don't blather on about how "if you inferred something from my words then that is entirely your own doing, not mine". That's bullshit, and we all know it.

You sir are an idiot. I think we're done here.

Lob out an ad hominem and flee the field. How depressingly predictable.

Comment Re:I don't know if that's good or bad... (Score 2, Interesting) 412

Really, You're really going to try to claim you weren't trying to insinuate anything with this line?

Now, I ask you: How many terrorist attacks have there been on planes since this system was put in place?

And when I call you out on your dishonesty, I'm the "troll". Brilliant.

As I made clear above, the lack of arrests for terrorism do not prove anything about the success or failure of the program.

They prove that the program (as far as its stated goals go) is either a failure or pointless. Take your pick.

Comment Re:I don't know if that's good or bad... (Score 1) 412

If I didn't write it then it isn't what I'm saying.

Once again, here's what you did say:

You might even claim that the absence of attacks is a result of the nets being put up and therefore they have been a success.

Now, I ask you: How many terrorist attacks have there been on planes since this system was put in place?

Again, your implication here is crystal clear, your subsequent mealy-mouthed attempts at evasion notwithstanding.

If you inferred something from my words then that is entirely your own doing, not mine.

Bullshit. You're the author of the above words. Man up and either accept the consequences of what you wrote, or retract them.

No it doesn't prove either of those things. If something doesn't happen over an arbitrary amount of time that doesn't mean it cannot happen at any point in the future. Do you really not get that?

Oh really? So does that mean I shouldn't venture out in the morning without a parachute, on the off chance that gravity will malfunction and fling me skyward?

Let's look at the numbers, shall we?

Number of people screened to date: 160,000.

Number of people arrested for NON-terrorism related offenses: 1,266.

Number of people arrested for terrorism-related offenses: ZERO.

If a program cannot generate even ONE terrorism-related arrest in the screening of 160,000 people, one has to seriously consider the possibility that either the methodology is flawed, or the intended targets simply do not exist. Do you really not get that?

Comment Re:I don't know if that's good or bad... (Score 4, Insightful) 412

If there haven't been any tiger attacks in the whole time the net has been up then there's no basis to say that it has been a success or a failure.

Well, that's a relief. I thought you were going to point to the absence of attacks as some sort of proof that this system is working, despite the complete lack of any definitive evidence, like arrests.

You might even claim that the absence of attacks is a result of the nets being put up and therefore they have been a success.

Now, I ask you: How many terrorist attacks have there been on planes since this system was put in place?

Oh my...looks like I spoke too soon.

On a related note, if you're worried about tiger attacks, you can borrow my tiger repelling rock. It, like the snares, doesn't actually catch tigers, but it's guaranteed to keep them away. I myself haven't so much as seen a tiger since I began carrying it.

Note that I'm not saying it actually has been a success,

No, but you're certainly insinuating it rather loudly...

I'm saying I see no example of it having failed

As I made clear above, the complete lack of any terrorism related arrests clearly spell out the failure of this program. Either the terrorists are there, and are not being caught, or they aren't there at all, in which case the program is pointless...assuming, of course, that "capture of terrorists" was its actual goal...

Comment Re:I don't know if that's good or bad... (Score 5, Insightful) 412

If it gets higher arrests than random searches what's the problem?

Because this program was supposed to find terrorists, not people with fake IDs or people trying to sneak a couple of ounces through security.

If some villagers are mauled by a tiger, and I promise to catch the tigers, and I implement a system of nets and snares around the village, and I don't catch any tigers, then I have failed to keep my promise, regardless of how many snakes and wild boars I do catch.

The Military

40 Years Ago, the US Lost a Nuclear Bomb 470

Hugh Pickens writes "A BBC investigation has found that in 1968 the US abandoned a nuclear weapon beneath the ice in northern Greenland after a nuclear-armed B52 crashed on the ice a few miles from Thule Air Base. The Stratofortress disintegrated on impact with the sea ice and parts of it began to melt through to the fjord below. The high explosives surrounding the four nuclear weapons on board detonated without setting off the nuclear devices, which had not been armed by the crew. The Pentagon maintained that all four weapons had been 'destroyed' and while technically true, investigators piecing together fragments from the crash could only account for three of the weapons. Investigators found that 'something melted through ice such as burning primary or secondary.' A subsequent search by a US submarine was beset by technical problems and, as winter encroached and the ice began to freeze over, the search was abandoned. 'There was disappointment in what you might call a failure to return all of the components,' said a former nuclear weapons designer at the Los Alamos nuclear laboratory. 'It would be very difficult for anyone else to recover classified pieces if we couldn't find them.'"

EU Council Refuses To Release ACTA Documents 145

CaptSolo writes "The EU Council refuses to release secret Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement documents, stating that disclosure of this information could impede the proper conduct of the negotiations, would weaken the position of the EU in these negotiations, and might affect relations with the third parties concerned. The Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure requested these documents last week. FFII's response questions ACTA's secrecy saying: 'The argument that public transparency regarding 'trade negotiations' can be ignored if it would weaken the EU's negotiation position is particularly painful. At which point exactly do negotiations over trade issues become more important than democratic law making? At 200 million euro? At 500 million euro? At 1 billion euro? What is the price of our democracy?'"
The Almighty Buck

Vital Parts of Games As DLC? 446

Epic Games president Michael Capps did an interview recently with GamesIndustry, and he had some interesting things to say about the future of downloadable content, and how it will affect the retail games market. He also discussed the trend toward social gaming, and Epic's plans in that regard. Quoting: "I'm not sure how big it is here [in Europe], but the secondary market is a huge issue in the United States. Our primary retailer makes the majority of its money off of secondary sales, and so you're starting to see games taking proactive steps toward that by ... if you buy the retail version you get the unlock code. I've talked to some developers who are saying 'If you want to fight the final boss you go online and pay USD 20, but if you bought the retail version you got it for free.' We don't make any money when someone rents it, and we don't make any money when someone buys it used — way more than twice as many people played Gears than bought it."

Astronomers Locate Solar System Very Similar To Our Own 101

Smivs writes "Astronomers from St Andrews University in the UK have discovered a planetary system which looks much like our own. Dr Martin Dominik told BBC news: 'We found a system with two planets that take the roles of Jupiter and Saturn in our Solar System. These two planets have a similar mass ratio and similar orbital radius and a similar orbital period. The newfound planetary system, which orbits the star OGLE-2006-BLG-109L, is more compact than our own and is about five thousand light-years away. The OGLE planets were found using a technique called gravitational micro-lensing, in which light from the faraway planets is bent and magnified by the gravity of a foreground object, in this case a another star.'" Update: 04/08 12:26 GMT by Z : This story is talking about a subject we have already discussed.

OOXML Rumored to be Approved, Announcement Wednesday 223

dominux writes "Rumors are already circulating that Microsoft's OOXML has been voted in by the standards board. The Open Sourcerer claims to have results of the ballot on dis29500. According to the site Microsoft managed to flip enough countries to make it stick. 75% of the P members who didn't abstain voted for Microsoft (That is 58% of all the P members). 14% of all the P and O members voted to disapprove it, this includes all the new O members that joined just in time to cast their vote. Norway has asked that their vote be suspended due to voting irregularities, but it would take more than that to make a difference to the result. ZDNet is still playing it cautious, noting that an announcement either way is set to be made on Wednesday."

China to Use Silver Iodide & Dry Ice to Control the Weather 387

eldavojohn writes "While we made light of it before, the MIT Review is taking a serious look at China's plans to prevent rain over their open 91,000 seat arena for The Olympics. From the article: 'China's national weather-engineering program is also the world's largest, with approximately 1,500 weather modification professionals directing 30 aircraft and their crews, as well as 37,000 part-time workers — mostly peasant farmers — who are on call to blast away at clouds with 7,113 anti-aircraft guns and 4,991 rocket launchers.' They plan on demonstrating their ability to control the weather to the rest of the world, and expanding on their abilities in the future."

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