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Comment Re:works well enough (Score 1) 63

Sure, when you're running VMs and those VMs don't have SSH or serial consoles configured yet. The RDP server for virtualbox for example is not available unless you install Oracle's proprietary extensions.

So, I'll SSH in, start vnc, start my client, and connect via SSH tunnel. Fire up virtualbox, play around on the console until SSH can do the job.

(If I had a choice I'd have just put ESX on the host, but it's not an option. Even if it was, it would have to be one of those custom ISOs since it isn't officially supported hardware.)

Comment Re:Cheaper (Score 1) 349

This might put things into perspective. I'm not terribly familiar with your population densities, but I'd wager a lot of your travel is in a relatively small area. This doesn't show Alaska and Hawaii either. Hawaii isn't size though but distance, so I doubt you need to see that - but Alaska is also huge.

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