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Comment NSA backup (Score 0, Troll) 75

Isn't NSA world's most famous backup solution? Just ask them for the data. 'NSA cloud', now for more than just political prosecution and government oppression and corporate theft (and an occasional viewing of your dick). Backup your data with us! It is also paid by debt and inflation, so you don't even have to pay for the service, you have already paid!

As to /. ..... I have no words, only adjectives left for you.

Comment Re:Privacy Issues (Score 3, Insightful) 294

Actually a truly cashless society is the wet dream of every government and central banker since inflation is the most insidious and powerful tax that can be implemented without participation of any IRS and of any citizen whatsoever.

You don't even have to make a tax payment to be taxed with inflation and government doesn't have to bother pretending to have some kind of fiscal policy. The only policy of a 'cashless society' is printing money and the result of that policy is destruction of that society via destruction of its economy.

Comment Re:Very important link left out: the agreement tex (Score 1) 485

Hyperinflation is the worst case scenario, just because somebody is smoking doesn't mean they will die from cancer, but they will have serious health consequences. Hyperinflation is cancer that smoker gets, it doesn't mean it's inevitable. I never said hyperinflation is inevitable. I am saying that currency crisis is inevitable. It will either result in a huge spike of interest rates set by the market and the Feds will stand back (fat chance) or it will result in constant pressure by the Feds printing to prevent the huge spike of interest rates, collapsing the currency with very high inflation. Hyperinflation is only one possible outcome of many other horrible outcomes.

As to the stock market - it is in a bubble, so is bond market, which is the largest bubble. However you are so fucking stupid, you don't realise that in case of hyperinflation (or even just very high inflation) the stock market is where money flows to OUT of currency. Everybody is trying to buy something to get out of the inflated currency.

USA is much bigger than Greece, its debts are gigantic compared to Greece, but it is outsourcing its inflation to the rest of the world. The Chinese are printing to absorb inflation created by the USA Fed and Chinese prices are going up. USA is seeing rising prices that is some of its inflation making it back home from around the world, this process accelerates.

Your entire position is that of an idiot, saying that just because the patient is not dead yet, the course he is on is ok.

The smoker doesn't have cancer yet - keep smoking.

You read my previous comment, where I specifically said I do not predict exact timing, only the most likely scenarios based on the course of action that is being taken and you immediately goad me into making a TIME BET? What the fuck is wrong with you, what the brain has completely dried out in that idiotic head of yours?

Oh, and as I said: USSR - 100% occupancy. SO fucking what?

Comment Re:Very important link left out: the agreement tex (Score 1) 485

What the fuck are you talking about? My models give predictions that work exactly as they are supposed to, which is why I knew about the coming 2008 collapse, the coming USD collapse and of-course as a result of the USD collapse the coming bond market collapse. My model does not try to predict the exact timing of the collapse, that's impossible.

Your model predicts that if you print more money you will need to print more money, that's all it does.

I lived in Germany for such a long time that I can with absolute certainty tell you that any inefficiency in that economy is only caused by the monetary policy that you espouse - printing money. They absolutely should not print money, the Swiss are showing them how its done. Greeks can never repay their debts and it doesn't matter how much an 'average Greek' is working. You can be 'working' digging ditches and filling them up all you want, which is exactly the model that you espouse, you and other morons like Krugman. Germans can absolutely afford to work fewer hours, as they are very efficient because of the capital that they built up and created the tools that make them so efficient.

You have no idea what productivity is, you have no idea what efficiency means. In the former USSR people were 100% occupied and produced JACK SHIT compared to 'lazy' almost anybody at the time.

Comment Re:Very important link left out: the agreement tex (Score 1) 485

I read it, it's a bunch of nonsense and vague statements about future reforms.... sure, sure.

The reality is that Greece needs to be booted out of EU. German people are not interested in donating (and lets be clear, this is a donation, not a loan) more money to the Greeks standing with their hands out.

Without this bailout Greece would be forced to implement government spending cuts that would reform the economy and make it self sustainable. With this bailout this same exact problem, only with much larger numbers is going to replay itself a few years down the road. There is no escape - living on a handout does not produce any wealth, does not create a working economy, it simply creates even more culture of dependency and that culture will never go away until it is forced to simply by lack of free money.

Without the free money Greeks would restructure their economy. With the free money Greeks will do nothing but spend the money and ask for more. That document is for show, it means nothing.

Now, if you wanted a REAL document and a solution, Greece would be forced to repay at least some of its debts by selling its assets immediately. Then they could restructure the debt, pay 60 cents on the dollar or 30 cents on the dollar, doesn't matter. But they would truly display willingness to work with the lenders.

What this is here, it is the display of denial from the Greeks and it is display of weakness from the Germans who cannot reign in their crazy government that is stealing from the Germans.

If Greeks want charity, they should ask for charity from those same Germans. If Greeks want a real economy, they should build their economy by eliminating their unsustainable government programs and reducing their taxes.

The real austerity comes in the form of very low taxes and very little government and without this there will be no rebuilding of the economy.

I said this before and my comments went up to +5 and then to 0 and back to +5 and back to 0 and then to +5 and now to 2 I think (or whatever it is at the moment).

Clearly this is a contentious issue, but it is the only solution. Moderating my comments lower does not change reality, it only prevents me from replying to other comments, so it's your call whether you want me to reply to other comments (even in this thread) or not.

Comment This is Kiko... (Score 0) 190

Well, you give a monkey a robotic arm and you get Kiko doing whatever Kiko does...

You give rats a computer to command and rats end up using the computer to crawl into a dark place, maybe in search for food.

Of-course it is up to you, as a developer to use the understanding of a rat's mind to apply the rat's way of thinking to solve a problem, but now not only are you a computer programmer but also have to be a rat's psychology expert.... Well, maybe some of us are, given what kinds of people we sometimes have to deal with.

Comment Re:I call BS on the pracitical applications. (Score 0) 148

A medical application: how about using this (or a similar) device to pull foreign objects stuck in people's vital organs?

This guy had a pitchfork 'tooth' stuck under his eye, 10 cm of it entered his brain. Doctors were able to remove the object successfully this time.

Who knows, another time it could be more difficult. Attach the object to this reduction gearing device and slooooowwlyy pull it out, letting the blood clot or even tissue scar in process maybe.

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