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Comment Re:They're not free (Score 1) 125

If the kid's skilled enough to make a game, then surely whoever paid for the computer would recognize that and pay for something worthwhile like a game engine subscription, rather than something frivolous like an mmorpg subscription. And if not? Well, life's not always fair, and this would provide an excellent example of that. The company's got to make money, and there are plenty of free alternatives that the kid could start with anyhow.

Comment Re:What 4 to 5 inch Android tablet? (Score 2) 160

Android tablets typically don't run smaller than 7 inches without being designed (and priced) for use with a cellular network. Or should people just buy an entry-level Android phone and use it without a SIM?

...Haven't we covered this already? Is there some downside to using a phone? You talk about it like it's a bad idea. As for the iPod Touch, it's been about 5 years since one was released that could be used without iTunes. If I didn't have a smartphone, I'd use my $20 MP3 player. Smaller+lighter than even a small touchscreen device, cheaper to replace, takes microSD for memory expansion (and thus has more space than my 1st gen iPod Touch, anyhow), and it's too small to break if dropped.

Unless you've bought into the Apple app ecosystem, there are better options than an iPod from any angle. Music player, mini-tablet/personal media device, etc.

Comment Re:Obvious (Score 1) 350

I think you didn't understand what you linked to when you stated, "is apparently present for some fairly popular devices, but not activated in software"

Ah, I wasn't aware that the stock firmwares for all of them included support. What I understood was that they were all from product lines that I've heard of and know people that own them (using "well-advertised" and anecdotal evidence as a heuristic for "fairly popular") and that the maintainers of the app had to reverse-engineer support for the hardware. On the latter point, I didn't really know *why* they had to do that, and I appreciate the more knowledgeable perspective.

Comment Re:Question still remains (Score 1) 124

Why is there a "workable business case for" a PDA running locked-down iOS but not a PDA running open-userland Android?

Because most people really don't give a flip about whether a system is open or not. A small percentage of a small percentage is worth ignoring for large companies.

By "off-contract", which of the following did you mean?

Any phone that matches the iPod Touch's specs will be in a similar (or lower) price range at this point. Its lower screen resolution and size, non-expandable memory, single camera, and aging CPU point to a budget phone. Something like a 2nd-generation Motorola Moto G kills it in every spec besides on-device storage, and it has a MicroSD slot to help take care of that. It's available new for $180, directly from Moto. Do you have more requirements that you haven't mentioned? Or are you just trying to be difficult?

Comment Re:Obvious (Score 2) 350

[probably as part of the Qualcomm/whomever chip for processing cell phone signals]./ Since the signal is [most likely] coming from the cellular chip

It's apparently part of the bluetooth module in a lot of phones, rather than the cellular radio..

You need an antennae/other external hardware that receives those signals properly.

This is generally accomplished by using headphone wires as antennae.

Hardware-level support for FM is apparently present for some fairly popular devices, but not activated in software. I don't think that the difficulties (power requirements, technical difficulty of implementation, etc) are as serious as you're making them out to be.

Comment Re:Question still remains (Score 1) 124

Are you claiming that people who don't want yet another phone bill deserve to do without hardware too?

What does "deserve" have to do with business decisions? Someone who isn't willing to pay for a product+service that's available doesn't necessarily deserve to have an alternative that fits there need better. If there's no workable business case for it, it won't happen.

And what does paying for a cellular plan have to do with buying a smartphone, anyhow? There's plenty of capable hardware available off-contract. My last two smartphones see some limited use as PDA-like devices, and my current phone. Sometimes you make some good points. This doesn't look like one of those times.

Comment Re:get rid of the H-1B job lock and set a higher m (Score 1) 294

Lol. Do you not get that I spend a lot of time talking with economists and financial experts around the world?

I think that there are a few problems that people have with your statements, and it doesn't have anything to do with whether they're true or not.

First, that bit that I quoted is a logical fallacy usually called Argument from Authority.

Second, you are making a lot of claims without providing evidence. Since you are making the claims, the burden of proof falls on you; you don't get to dismiss the counterarguments that others have posted (often with backing evidence, like links to studies and papers) since you haven't provided anything to counter them aside from unsupported assertions.

Seriously, do you guys not grok the 100 Gbps Internet 2 or something?

I think we do. Part of the point is that it's wonderfully easy to link to information, since you seem to have it available in abundance. Personally, I'm completely ignorant of the Seattle area. I'm sure that I could find some kind of information about the situation up there, since I'm fairly handy with a search engine; I don't know if it would reflect reality though, or if I'd just find the mouthpiece of someone with an agenda besides truth.

Just for the sake of being clear though: I don't think you're trying to persuade anyone of anything. I think you're just trying to make a lot of noise and see how many people you can hook with a troll line. Congrats; you seem to have a good catch.

Comment Re:Wouldn't a re-write be more fruitful? (Score 1) 209

Worst of all is when they embark on a rewrite and give up half way through.

I saw something similar happen at my employer. A newer employee was sent on a mostly solo project to rewrite some of the core of our product, to make it easier to make some planned enhancements. Things didn't immediately work perfectly, and some of the founding employees fought the changes. Since they were necessary for the next release, and there wasn't another option for the features that we were required to make available, we ended up with two parallel sections of code that did basically the same thing but in very different ways. That was what we put up with for 4 or 5 *years* before the politics of the situation allowed us to integrate the changes back into a single codepath.
Before that, if you didn't touch that code constantly, it was usually unclear which path was being actively used and which was bitrotted to uselessness.

Comment Re: Raspberry Pi (Score 1) 315

True enough. A Raspberry Pi, ODroid, or any other super-cheap computer is "just a computer". Except that it's also a computer that a kid could tinker around on without making a more serious computer unusable, and it's easier to use it to talk to other electronics, sensors, etc than a PC-style computer. It works well as a kind of compromise between a more expensive computer and a microcontroller. It doesn't do either job as well, but it's more flexible.

Comment Re:HEY YOU KIDS, KEEP OFF MY COMPILER! AND LAWN! (Score 4, Interesting) 315

Ah, a "No True Scotsman" argument. From personal experience, I always skipped past the "program an elevator" section of the book and went straight to the chapters on graphics and sound. When I ran into something I didn't understand, I'd read the relevant section earlier in the book, but the "behind the scenes" stuff isn't what drew me in at first.

I'll agree that eventually, someone who actually enjoys coding will take joy in writing whatever they can. An algorithm with a slightly better runtime complexity will be fascinating...but that's not necessarily what sparks the initial interest.

Comment Re:It's rape Jim, but not as we know it (Score 1) 225

No they are not, they are a combination of hardware and software

But we *have* open software to run on those. That just leaves the hardware that you could be talking about.

Yes, like the Linux kernel. But there isnt much you can do with just that.

Well, and the entire rest of the OS, if you don't count some of the drivers and firmware (which require either reverse engineering or published hardware specs from the manufacturers to implement openly).

But where is the free software (let's exclude the hardware component for a minute) version of these products?

Well, again, aside from BIOS/firmware and some drivers if I want all my hardware's features to work, it's here. We don't just have a kernel, we have full general-purpose OSes.

My point is that the idea that everybody should ditch closed source and proprietary software in favor of FOSS is misguided because FOSS doesn't have all the answers.

...And if the closed/proprietary software were to be open, then FOSS *would* have all the answers. As far as I can tell, that's the end goal of "the movement".

Sorry I mean restrictive open source (GPL) as opposed to permissive open source (BSD, et. al).

So did I. I see GPL-like licenses as being more protective than restrictive. They protect my access to code derived from the projects that are licensed that way. It's just a matter of perspective. I don't *want* to take someone else's open source code and make a closed-source derivative product. Until we have non-eternal copyright terms, I wouldn't really want to see someone *else* doing that either.

Proprietary and Free software work together to produce innovative products but there are a lot of absolutists with very limited vision that seem to think FOSS is the answer to everything.

I can see the benefit of a system where proprietary software is closed for a period of time, in order to encourage development of new technology, and then made open to enrich the public as a whole. I don't see that happening, so out of practicality, I'll accept closed/proprietary software and hardware as a stopgap. It does the job right now, and I'll just buy the next-available closed system when my current one doesn't have the functionality that I need.

Comment Re:It's rape Jim, but not as we know it (Score 3, Insightful) 225

Wait. Are you talking about software or hardware? A laptop, tablet, smartphone, activity tracker, or smartwatch is a piece of hardware. All of those things can, and often *do* have a core of open-source software that they're built around. Hardware is much more difficult to manufacture than software is. If someone sends me the appropriate source code, I can get a working product by typing a few things in on my keyboard. If someone sends me hardware design files, I suppose that I'd either have to buy a FPGA of the appropriate size and speed for the hardware or I'd have to start talking to chipfabs about the 1-device manufacture run that I'd like them to undertake.

Hardware and software are apples and oranges. Although it would be convenient if open hardware were as easy to make as open software, it's not.

Fact is restrictive open source isnt producing innovation

I've never felt restricted by open-source software. The problem has always been closed systems, for me. Although, I suppose that the licensing issues go to the back of your mind anyhow when you've got a system that won't do what you want, and there is no way for you or anyone else but the vendor to fix it.

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