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Comment Re:Ahh but (Score 4, Informative) 126

I'm paying some god-awful amount of money for satellite every month (my wife handles the exact amount, but it comes out of my paycheck). It includes a DVR. Fairly often, I forget to record something that I could've recorded and watched legally. Streaming on Netflix? No. Hulu? No. The network's site? No. The satellite's On Demand service? No. Hmmm, sounds like it's torrent time, if I want to watch whatever it was. Of course, most of the time it's not worth the effort. I'll wait a few months for a rerun, or a few years for it to show up on Netflix, or something.

Comment Re:And this is why Linux will never win the deskto (Score 1) 555

Please, when you want to get a new version of your graphics driver or update something too big (say KDE, Mate) you end up replacing the whole OS.

Graphics drivers tend to have minimum requirements, same as in Windows. Minimum kernel version, libc, etc? Minimum Windows release, DirectX version, etc. Using an open-source driver, my package manager grabs the new module, usually along with the current version of the kernel. With a closed-source driver, the installer compiles the interface module and copies the files to the right places. It's hardly replacing the whole OS, just the kernel in the worst case.

In replacing something large like the desktop environment, I haven't tried doing something like trying to get KDE 1.x running under a modern Linux, so I can't address it directly. I know two things though: it's more possible than getting the Windows 98 desktop working on a modern Windows.

setting targets for fan control, looking for voltage drops - linux never allowed me to read ANY of the half dozen or so voltage sensors built in any PC, it doesn't even acknowledge their presence.

YMMV, based on hardware support in the kernel, but lm-sensors supports a large list of drivers, including temperature, voltage, and fan speed sensors. I get readings on my machine, but I can't speak for yours, of course.

It would be good to have a low footprint Windows clone to do the low level tasks that are just impossible on linux.

More choice and more ways to do things is always good. I won't say that an actually-working Windows clone would be a bad thing. ReactOS didn't impress me, last time I tried to run it.

Comment Re:And this is why Linux will never win the deskto (Score 1) 555

OK, cool. Keep that attitude, and maybe we can stop "usability" from getting in the way of actually getting things done. Lots of simple things are easier on Windows than on Linux. Problem is, when you want to do the unusual things, that's when it gets impossible. Linux? Of course it's possible. Spend enough time, and you can swap any part out for something you like more. There are a dozen ways to do most things, and you get to research and choose which one you like. I like that. Now, if I'm going to play a game...reboot into Windows. Lowest common denominator OS for a lowest common denominator activity, and it works beautifully for that (unless the dev used a 32-bit number to represent the RAM in your machine, and the game refuses to start with your -{big_number} amount of RAM).

Comment Re:And this is why Linux will never win the deskto (Score 1) 555

you can *not* do that with even two versions of the same linux distro a year apart from eachother.

Hyperbole. Of course you can, if you design the software to handle that. One of my employer's pieces of software is compiled on SLES10 (from 2006) and runs on current Linux distros without a hitch. Code from 5 years ago compiled with gcc 2.95, and I'm sure that I could have that running both on a Linux release from 2000 and one from 2014.

Now, if you've got a programmer that doesn't have that as their specific goal in how they compile and package the software, then there will be a problem. With non-commercial software that's distributed by the developer as source anyhow, what's the reason for them to take enough care in packaging it to support forward-compatibility? If their software is popular enough, they know it'll be recompiled for inclusion in every new distro's repository anyhow, so they won't focus on supporting the goal of wide compatibility of the binary.

Comment Re:so... (Score 1) 158

Netflix would be streaming a video that may take 4x the bandwidth and 4x the storage for them to keep around, so I'd be paying them to do more.

My ISP is being paid to transfer a capped volume of data to me at as close as possible to the speed that I'm paying for. If they increase that cap or increase my max transfer rate, then we can start talking about them getting paid more as well. Otherwise, it's not an equivalent comparison.

Comment Re:Humans are not only not the only intelligence (Score 3, Insightful) 152

All megafauna is intelligent or it wouldn't have made it this long.

All megafauna have a combination of adaptive traits for their environment, some of which may be traits that we'd categorize under "intelligence". Intelligence isn't a scalar value. We might be able to measure its components by providing tasks that measure the presence and efficiency of specific capabilities of the brain and call the geometric distance from the 0-point "intelligence", but different animals will fall within different places in that multi-dimensional space. Some animals will have better scores than humans, in some dimensions. I'd posit that humans would have the greatest geometric distance from "0", though.

Comment Re:Women in the drivers seat`? (Score 2) 482

That's why I've never understood why some men whine about "always having to make the first move." It puts us in the driver's seat.

I used to complain about it because I didn't want to be in the driver's seat all the time. I wanted women to approach me as often as I approached them. That's still what I'd want out of dating.

I've never understood why some men want control all of the time. Give it a rest every now and then.

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