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Comment Re:Great, crash the drone into things. (Score 1) 184

Deauthentication messages work outside wifi encryption. It's a common wifi attack to broadcast deauth messages, then record the reauthentication of clients as they reconnect to the wireless access point. For encryption with known weaknesses (like WEP), reauthentication attempts can be analyzed to discover the network key. This attack is similar, but without the goal of discovering the key.

Apparently, the 802.11 standard states "Deauthentication is not a request; it is a notification. Deauthentication shall not be refused by either party." If the device is standards-compliant, then spamming a deauthentication message should continually knock it offline.

Comment Re:Bullcrap (Score 1) 387

Are companies ever going to get off this fixation on specific programming languages?

About the same time that they get over the fixation on specific college degrees. I was hired as a C++ developer, but I've touched code in half a dozen languages besides that, and I didn't know a few of those before I had to use them.

Comment Re:I really don't my vital body parts to be on wif (Score 1) 183

The safe level varies based on the patient's physical activity at the time. Imagine that they're out swimming and someone uses their smartphone to set their heart to "going to bed" flow rate. And if the heart has a safety feature where it can read the neural signals for heartbeat speed, then why would it need to be externally controllable anyhow? Wireless access just seems like an unnecessary complication to the system.

Comment Disappointing (Score 3, Interesting) 730

I'm not a giant Apple fan, but one thing that I actually liked about their strategy up to this point was keeping their phones smaller. I've had a 4.7" phone, and that was almost too large for my (admittedly small) hands. I've got a 5" screen now, and it's notably difficult for me to use. I'm pessimistic about my future upgrade options at this point, if even Apple is jumping on the mega-sized-phone bandwagon.

Comment Re:Humans have too much (Score 1) 206

All of Slashdot can use the AC account, while only a subset of Slashdot (often only one person) can use any given named account. People leak information when they type, and if the same person or small group of people can be identified by an anonymized identifier like a username, then you can glean information about whoever's using that name.

It's like the databases of "anonymized" information. Gather enough information, and eventually you'll have enough data points to uniquely identify an individual. That's pretty far off from "just as anonymous", provided someone wants to actually do the work to datamine someone else's old /. posts.

Comment Re:Stupid banks... US credit cards have no securit (Score 1) 132

I hear that they are finally, slowly moving to chip and pin since their losses to fraud are increasing.

One of my recently replaced cards is chip and signature, and I think that's what most US-issued smart cards are using. Security-wise, it's kind of a half measure, but at least it's a step forward from complete reliance on the magstripe.

Comment Re:Not the correct application for this (Score 1) 107

I have 19 open, organized by task (the last 3 are just general browsing, most of the rest are references for a project I'm working on). Related things are close together. 18 of the 19 are currently visible in the bar, with the titles legible. It's a little more convenient than having them down in the taskbar would be. If I have multiple activities that each need a large number of tabs, that's why God invented tab groups.

Comment Re:Bad business practice (Score 1) 139

I think it's convenient, for my case. If I'm on my Linux machine but I'm looking at Steam's page, I'm most likely trying to buy games for my Windows machine (or one that I've read runs well under Wine). The search box ought to have an "only for my platform" checkbox/dropdown, and maybe it should warn you prior to purchase if your browser's user-agent indicates that there's a platform mismatch, but I'd much prefer being shown everything available.

Comment Re:G'Day Valve, (Score 1) 139

In college, my grandparents provided a computer, parents provided a cell phone and my food and lodging. I didn't smoke (most people don't, here) and didn't drink. That, plus no car and only occasional employment? You better believe that I pirated a fair amount of stuff while almost fooling myself that I was justified for doing it. My family wasn't impoverished, but legal additions to my game catalog were limited to a couple times per year, and the in-dorm network share starts looking mighty appealing when your roommates invite you to play a game you don't own.

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