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Comment Re:Maybe next year... (Score 1) 203

It's not that hard to beat Windows, but you must offer apps that people want so badly that they'll dump Windows apps for it.

Sure, you just need a better, more stable, easier-to-use OS with more exclusive, powerful, easy to use apps that runs on 500 million different computer setups.


Comment Re:Give us the betas! (Score 1) 662

It's more than most people spend on music in 2011, just because most people pirate music. Really, it's only two albums. I pirate music like I'm Long John Silver, but give me an option to pay $25/year to make my music legit, and I'll be the first in line to do it.

Submission + - Poland goes Open (

rysiek writes: "In a surprise announcement Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk declared new policy toward more open state: ''All information funded from public sources should be available as public property, free for everyone to use it as they wish'' said Tusk last week during a meeting with NGO leaders in Poland (translation). This is very unusual in Europe, and in fact puts Poland ahead of other EU states. A loose web of polish NGOs for more than 2 years advocated more open public information laws. A bill to that effect will now be presented in Sejm (Polish parliament)."

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