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Comment Re:Countries without nuclear weapons get invaded (Score 4, Insightful) 228

"Japan wanted the oil in the Philippines"

uh, wut? Japan wanted the Philippines to protect their southern flank and for agricultural purposes....they wanted Indonesia for oil.

But you are correct.....Afgahnistan does not have oil, and the U.S. gets very little of its overall oil from Iraq.

Comment Re:How fucking tasteless (Score 1) 341

It seems ironic that he would find the wiping out of another 100,000 people by atom bomb too horrible when the conventional bombing of Tokyo killed that many during Operation Meetinghouse on March 9-10 1945.

People sometimes get pictures of the conventional Tokyo bombings confused with those of Hiroshima.

Comment Re:Jerri (Score 1) 533

"Fix the Middle-East's economy".

I'm pretty sure that lack of money isn't a problem for most of the Middle East economies. Countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait are pretty well off. Of course not all of that money makes it down to the common populace, thanks to their dictator/royal governments. I can't think of an easy way to change their form of governments without massive upheaval, just like we're seeing in Iraq, Libya, and Syria.

"Build schools, staff them - an educated populace won't fall for the simple rhetoric of the mob-leader."

This will work, but will probably take well over 100 years. Again, you can't implement this with the type of social system and governments they currently have in place. Religion and tradition are so ingrained in their culture that the ideas of democracy and free speech are not only alien to them, but down-right heresy.

"Build infrastructure so they can actually communicate with the rest of the world"

Well ISIS is using Twitter, so they are communicating with the rest of the world, just not in the way we would like. All of the infrastructure, evidence, and knowledge in the world will do no good if you choose not to believe in it (hell, look at how much evidence we have for global warming and evolution that gets ignored in the U.S.).

The only solution I can see is to get away from middle-eastern oil as soon as possible. Their sources of funding will dry up, and the royal families/dictators currently in place will have no choice but to open up their society in order to build an economy that isn't based on oil.

Comment PlumpyNut (Score 4, Interesting) 243

Back in 2007, Anderson Cooper asked a pediatrician if PlumpyNut ( was affecting people in developing countries suffering from malnutrition with peanut allergies. The Dr. said "We just don't see it. In developing countries food allergy is not nearly the problem that it is in industrialized countries." Sounds like this study backs up that claim.

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