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Comment Re:Blackberry Q10 (Score 2) 238

If you want a good Android phone with a physical keyboard pick up a Motorola Droid 4 if you are on Verizon or a Motorola Photon Q if you are on AT&T or Sprint. These are the best physical keyboard phones that have ever been made, and unfortunately, probably the last the way the market is looking. I still use and love my Droid 4 even though there are many newer and faster touchscreen only phones available these days.

Comment Re:Vudu? (Score 2) 42

Yup, I use and love VuDu. I currently have 38 movies in my collection on their service. Why, because they are the best online streaming service that supports Android tablets and they also offer the highest resolution streaming in their HDX format for my HTPC and laptop. You can also download local copies for viewing offline on Android tablets. I got much of my collection from redeeming UltraViolet codes from BluRays and also got some as free promotions. WalMart has also partnered with them to put any of your current BluRays or DVDs into your VuDu collection for only $2 a piece, $5 if upgrading a DVD to HDX.

Comment Re:Sometimes I wish there weren't updates (Score 2) 134

I am not familiar with this particular app, but I would say that this is totally the fault of the developer. The Android/Google Play Store is capable of and designed to have separate optionally downloadable resource content from the main apk. Many games do this by downloading the appropriate resolution of graphics for the device that they are installed on after the main apk has been installed. If the developer is just lumping all of their HD graphics into the same apk they are probably just being lazy or don't know how to split the content out, but this is not Google or Android's problem.

I also consider anytime you see separate regular and HD versions of an app to be a bad thing as this has not been necessary for a long time. Particularly with paid apps, I think it is just an attempt to get you to buy it twice for phone and tablet, and not the result of any technical limitation.

Comment Re:Death with Dignity. (Score 2) 439

Yes, I have. I just watched my dad pass away earlier this year. After being diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor, I watched him degrade to the point that he finally quit breathing in a span of 3 months and held his hand as he passed. This was the hardest period of my life to date and just as hard watching my mom suffer through it as well as him. Although these changes could be a good start, they would not have been enough for him because he quickly lost the ability to use his arms so no writing, and then he lost control of his tongue so he could barely mumble words to us. But, he still made it fairly clear that he was ready to go. But, after we made the hard decision not to intubate him any more we just had to sit by and wait for him to get so weak that he finally lost the ability to breathe on his own and gasped his last. Anyone who thinks that it would not have been better to help him go quickly should have been there.

Comment Re:No LTE, less space than a nomad (Score 1) 359

Not on a day-to-day basis when I am only traveling from home to office I don't, because I don't need to. But, whenever I fly somewhere I always had 2 spare batteries with for my old Droid 2. I would use an entire battery on the plane and then pop in a fresh one when we land. Now that I have finally upgraded to a Droid 4 I pack a bulkier 5,000mah usb battery pack that I plug my phone into on the plane. I would much rather just pop in a fresh battery like I used to.

Comment Re:Try.. (Score 3, Informative) 295

You have an original OG Droid and you are still complaining about it now? The phone is ancient and should have been replaced a long time ago. That being said, it is also completely unlocked and one of the easiest phones to upgrade the OS on. Check out Cyanogen Mod or Project Elite for a whole new experience on the phone and repurpose it as a useful WiFi based media device.

Comment Re:Simple mix up (Score 2) 376

There is something at work in Facebook. I have several times seen Facebook "Recommended for you" that I should "Like" Mitt's page. This is completely weird because I have never posted anything political one way or another on my Facebook page. I am not really an Obama supporter, but I cannot stand Mitt and would never "Like" him or his page. So, why would Facebook "Recommend" him for me? My tinfoil-hat theory is not something as nefarious as "hacking", but more likely someone paid someone at Facebook to make these recommendation show up for more people than they should be.

Comment Re:Pinkie Pie? (Score 1) 113

I don't know about My Little Pony, but I do know that Pinkie Pie is the nickname that Skippyjon Jones mom calls him in the book "Skippyjon Jones: Lost in Spice" that I read my daughter weekly before going to bed, lol. I think that the name comes from his overly large pink inside pie shaped Siamese cat ears.

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 259

Sure, they buy things, lots of things, and then prices go way up and especially housing because of so many new temporary people in the area and then whole apartments full of retired people living on fixed incomes get evicted because their rent has gone up from $400 a month to $2000 a month (not necessarily Texas, but NW North Dakota).

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