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Comment Re:Boys are naturally curious... (Score 1) 608

preeminent misogynist theory is that women are born with physiological differences that make them naturally less inclined toward the field

"The difference is, females in general are much more interested in what you can do with the technology, than with just the technology itself," says Harvey Mudd President Maria Klawe

It certainly doesn't take much of a leap of faith to agree with Barbara Ericson, a senior research scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology, when she says that "Boys fall in love with computers as machines; girls see them as tools to do something else."

When the people actually doing something about getting girls into computer science say things like that, it certainly sounds like they believe girls aren't naturally inclined toward the field, at least not the way boys are.

(And why do you deny physiological differences? Are you a TERF?)

Comment Re:Slashdot, Stop Spinning the GamerGate Content (Score -1, Troll) 571

Exposing corruption is not trolling.

Some mentally ill slut fucking her boss is not evidence of corruption.

No one wants to touch "gamer gate" because you people are cringe-worthy. We were gaining traction against the SJW co-option of internet media, but then you dumb autistic fucks ruined it with your conspiracy theories and harassment.

Comment Re:Can we stop trying to come up with a reason? (Score 1) 786

You are intentionally being an idiot (I hope it's not natural). A "know-it-all" is not a manly thing, it's annoying. And dickish. And puts people off. Most know-it-alls don't in fact know it all.

Not a manly thing? They literally call that policy "Operation Eliminate the Macho Effect". And by the way, italics indicate sarcasm.

So am I the idiot, or are they? (I suspect the largest idiot is a third party.)

Stop pretending it's a gendered issue.



Ebola Does Not Require an "Ebola Czar," Nor Calling Up the National Guard 384

Lasrick writes: David Ropeik explores risk-perception psychology and Ebola in the U.S. "[O]fficials are up against the inherently emotional and instinctive nature of risk-perception psychology. Pioneering research on this subject by Paul Slovic, Baruch Fischhoff, and others, vast research on human cognition by Daniel Kahneman and colleagues, and research on the brain's fear response by neuroscientists Joseph LeDoux, Elizabeth Phelps, and others, all make abundantly clear that the perception of risk is not simply a matter of the facts, but more a matter of how those facts feel. ... People worry more about risks that are new and unfamiliar. People worry more about risks that cause greater pain and suffering. People worry more about threats against which we feel powerless, like a disease for which there is no vaccine and which has a high fatality rate if you get it. And people worry more about threats the more available they are to their consciousness—that is, the more aware people are of them."

Comment Re:Can we stop trying to come up with a reason? (Score 2, Interesting) 786

These aren't just whatever, "it's just people making choices". It's clearly social and political influence.

you also shouldn't care about us people trying to effect social and political changes.

We're not supposed to care about your deliberate interference, but you're allowed to care about the choices women make, because society got in their heads and made them make the wrong choices?

Normally I don't care. But people like you are not trying to eliminate the sexism (probably because your assertions of it are vastly overstated), but trying to change the nature of the field to make it more friendly to stereotypes about women, without any consideration as to whether these changes will actually improve the field and the skillset of CS graduates.

Read this article about one presumably successful effort.

And let's look at the assumptions these efforts make, and their solutions.

"The first class you take is a weed-out class, and they are shocked by the fact they don't get any women at the end."

CS is too hard for women because, despite growing up with computers, they never learned how to program before. Lighten the intro courses to be less "weed out".

"Know-it-alls in any section are told to cool it so no one is intimidated."

Women are intimidated by knowledge and enthusiasm. Don't show off. It's too... manly.

"Along with changes to the introductory courses, Mudd works hard to keep women interested in the field."

Women need to be pandered to to keep them interested.

"Women and men work through problems in very different ways"

Women's brains are different. But still, ignore those troglodytes who said women are naturally less inclined to be interested in abstract machines.

"They bemoaned middle and high school math teachers who didn't engage or inspire."

More pandering is the solution. Nevermind the boys who never got that encouragement either. (High school CS curriculum was a joke twenty years ago, and it still is.)

Is coddling women going to make them better programmers? Who knows, maybe it will. But don't pretend you aren't coddling them.

Comment Bitch-ass whiners got their feelings hurt (Score 3, Insightful) 387

Would Apple be where it is if Jobs wasn't an asshole?

Do you think Linux would still be a success if Linus wasn't there to keep dumbasses from accumulating more political clout than technical competence and steering it toward ruin?

I bet we'd all be using Hurd now, we'd have a colony on Mars, and there'd be peace in the Middle East. Nothing promotes innovation faster than living in a hugbox that respects all opinions!

Comment Re:What a terrible, terrible idea. (Score 1) 366

Humanity is nothing but genes. Some tens of thousands of them, but yeah, compared to the scale of the universe, that is a few.

What you're actually sad about is that you can't comprehend how that figuratively infinite variability translates into the things your feeble brain finds comforting.

Comment Re:Apparently (Score 3, Interesting) 213

If you stuck me in front of a computer to mimic code someone showed me at 7, I'd have thought "okay, great, when is recess?"

Wait, computer time wasn't recess?

I actually think the ubiquity of computers is the reason CS graduation rates have declined since before the dot com bubble. For the millennials, the magic never wears off because computers were never magical to begin with. And kids don't program for fun as much these days because the distance between what they can write and what they see in AAA video games is astronomical.

When I started programming I thought I was the shit when I made a 3d cube rotate on a TRS-80. Sure, it was simple, but it wasn't like I was used to seeing 3d computer graphics on a home computer. Graphics like that in The Last Starfighter blew my fucking mind.

Comment Re:Read below to see what Bennett has to say. (Score 1) 622

"Most of the other rebuttals being offered, are logically incoherent, and, as such, are not likely to change the minds of the victim-blamers," is perhaps the funniest bit of empathy-challenged nonsense I've read in a while. Because the people who are irrationally blaming the victims are clearly going to be persuaded only by the most mathematically sound argument?

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