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Submission + - PostgreSQL 9.0 Released ( 1

poet writes: Today the PostgreSQL Global Development Group (PGDG) released PostgreSQL 9.0. This release marks a major milestone in the PostgreSQL ecosystem with added features such as streaming replication (including DDL), Hot Standby and other nifty items such as DO. Get your copy today.

Submission + - PostgreSQL 9.0 released (

greg1104 writes: "PostgreSQL 9.0 has been released today, including a pile of new features (with example usage for many). The biggest pair of features now included with the database allow near real-time asynchronous binary replication to slave nodes, along with the ability to run queries against them. Packages such as pgpool-II 3.0 have already been updated to build clusters using that feature, allowing transparent application load-balancing across multiple nodes for scaling read-heavy loads."

What Is New In PostgreSQL 9.0 213

Jamie noted a blog that says "PostgreSQL 9.0 beta 2 just got released this week. We may see another beta before 9.0 is finally released, but it looks like PostgreSQL 9.0 will be here probably sometime this month. Robert Treat has a great slide presentation showcasing all the new features."

Ballmer Defends Microsoft In China 162

An anonymous reader writes "Mr. Ballmer has recently posted on the official Microsoft blog discussing future business in China and defending Microsoft's stance of cooperating with the government even as other large IT companies have begun making public condemnations (Google and Twitter being the most prominent). Couple this with Bill Gate's speech on China's censorship being not all that bad (a speech very well received by Chinese media) and you've got people wondering: Is Microsoft aiming to take Google's place in China?"

iPad Is a "Huge Step Backward" 1634

An anonymous reader writes "FSF's John Sullivan launches the Defective by Design campaign and petition to rain on Steve's parade, barely minutes out of the starting gate. 'This is a huge step backward in the history of computing,' said FSF's Holmes Wilson, 'If the first personal computers required permission from the manufacturer for each new program or new feature, the history of computing would be as dismally totalitarian as the milieu in Apple's famous Super Bowl ad.' The iPad has DRM writ large: you can only install what Apple says you may, and 'computing' goes consumer mainstream — no more twiddling, just sit back, spend your money, and watch the show — while we allow you to." What is clear is that the rise of the App Store removes control of the computer from the user. It makes me wonder what the next generation of OS X will look like.

FCC's Net Neutrality Plan Blocks BitTorrent 303

master_p writes "The FCC's formally issued draft net neutrality regulations have a huge copyright loophole in them; a loophole that would theoretically permit Comcast to block BitTorrent just like it did in 2007 — simply by claiming that it was 'reasonable network management' intended to 'prevent the unlawful transfer of content.' The new proposed net neutrality regulations would allow the same practices that net neutrality was first invoked to prevent, even if these ISP practices end up inflicting collateral damage on perfectly lawful content and activities."

PayPal Freezes the Assets of 403

matsh sends word that PayPal has frozen the assets of From their Web site: "Paypal has as of 23rd of January 2010 frozen WikiLeaks assets. This is the second time that this happens. The last time we struggled for more than half a year to resolve this issue. By working with the respected and recognized German foundation Wau Holland Stiftung we tried to avoid this from happening again — apparently without avail." The submitter adds: "Hopefully we can pressure PayPal to resolve this quickly, since this seems like a dangerous political decision."

Submission + - Twitumm - A delightful way to collect your Twitter (

duguk writes: "I recently put together Twitumm as an alternative to Audioboo and Utterli — which is a easy way to record audio and post it to your Twitter. Like what Twitpic has done for pictures. Written as a small project in my spare time, with a very simple scheduled FFMpeg task, all written in PHP; running on Gentoo Linux. Record your message on your phone or PC in any format, upload it, and we'll put it up for streaming; and (if you want us to) post it to your Twitter profile too.

This isn't your usual advert, I'm making no profit out of this, but am adding new features all the time. Since I'm a huge open source enthusiast (and using Gentoo!), I'd love to know what Slashdot think."


Submission + - Mozilla Fennec Alpha arrives for Windows Mobile (

ruphus13 writes: Fennec, Mozilla's Mobile browser, announced the availability of their alpha version for Windows Mobile. According to the article, "For quite a while now, Fennec has been in beta testing on Maemo-enabled Nokia Internet Tablets, but now there is an alpha version available for testing on Windows Mobile 6. It should put the pre-release browser in front of many more people, even though it is intended for developers and testers....Tabs are lined up in a column on the left, while bookmarks and page-turning tools are off-screen to the right. The idea behind this is is to get away from the tiny browsing metaphors found on most mobile phones. Fennec also auto-adjusts for different screen sizes, and shares Firefox's memory management library."

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