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Comment Re:Uber not worth $41 billion ... (Score 1) 109

Look at Coca Cola. They don't make anything that anybody else can't make.

Nonsense. I hardly even drink cola any more, but Pepsi still tastes like ass and Coca-Cola still tastes better. It's a complete falsehood to suggest that anyone else can do what Coca-Cola can do, because a lot of people have spent a lot of money trying and they've all failed so far. Coca-Cola doesn't have a good name just because they've had it for a long time, Pepsi is an old brand too. Coca-Cola has a good name because they make a product that people want to buy, and have been doing that for a long time. Even when they were busy dicking around with their recipes and alienating some customers they still managed to remain on top.

Uber, on the other hand, really can be replaced overnight, in whole or in part, in some cities or in all cities, in some countries or in all countries, etc. They do absolutely nothing that someone else couldn't do just as well, if not better.

So yeah, everyone else is being compared to Uber, you've got that right. And it's worth something, you've got that right, too. But comparing Uber to Coca-Cola is way off-base. I haven't consumed a cola that wasn't from a weird off-brand (Zevia, in this case) in literally years, but if I were going to get one in some mainstream establishment devoid of more potable choices like filtered water (you have to hand it to soda, they at least filter the water before using it, it's important for consistency) I would still lick the sweat off a dead dog's balls before I'd drink a Pepsi. I'd drink Tabasco. I'd drink mayo.

Comment Re:Short version ... (Score 1) 104

Which basically means law enforcement is in the hands of a bunch of idiots who don't know or care the law.

The high-end cops, the chiefs and sergeants and whatnot, know the law well enough to know they're breaking it. The low-end beat cops know fuck-all about the law, this has been shown again and again. It's what happens when you only need a couple of years of community college and a pat on the ass to become a cop.

But make no mistake about it, these people aren't going to obey the law unless until they find themselves under threat of being in a cell themselves. And then they'll just pretend to obey the law.

And that's why every cop needs a camera on all the time, and they should never ever be taken at their word. If there's no video evidence of what they're saying, then they should be assumed to be lying. That'll motivate those dicks to get cameras that work, and to not turn them off. Nothing else will keep them in line, and even that still requires substantial citizen oversight.

Comment Re:Are they LEOs (Score 1) 104

Given similar circumstances you or I would behave the same way,

We'll never know, because you or I would never have the opportunity to be in similar circumstances without being a shitbag in the first place. Only shitbags need apply to the upper echelons. People with a conscience will either kill themselves of be deposed before they reach those heights.

Comment Re:Still no 16:10 panel? (Score 1) 133

Is it a 20"? I need another one of those so that I'll have three matching monitors. I have a 25.5" IPS at 1920x1200 that I'm willing to let go of. It's very very old so it has ghosting f'reals, but otherwise it's awesome. My two 20" 1680x1050 displays are at different color temps, but I have an i1 Display LT so I can mitigate that problem.

Comment Re:Funny, that spin... (Score 1) 421

To be fair, he funds the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, which is devoted to mitigating existential risk from AI, and is surely getting very detailed reports from them, making him a highly knowledgeable layperson at worst (a direct expert at best).

Just playing the devil's advocate here, funding the creationism museum doesn't make you an expert on god

Comment Re:Everyone is going to the Moon... (Score 2) 119

It's Planetary Resources that wants the U.S. to break the treaty. Remember that name. No doubt it will become the Wal-Mart of outer space.

If that's the price of actually developing space industry to the point of having a Wal-Mart of outer space, so be it. Then I can buy me a space ship and fly... past the sky.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Why libressl is stupid 2

I really want to like libressl. But it pretends to be openssl badly. They refused a patch that would have mitigated this whole RAND_egd problem by simply returning that it doesn't work when someone tries to use it, which means that you commonly need a patch to use it at all. If it's not going to work like openssl, then it shouldn't occupy the same space in the filesystem.

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