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User Journal

Journal Journal: Another day at Tims

Today I had another shift at Timmies. Being a runner for the drive through is more then a little annoying... Then I had to run for cash again. Oh yeah, I got another $5.00 in tips

I want to finish my project today, or at least half... a 1 500 word english essay, in two parts. I want to finish the first part (1 500 / 2 = 750). I'm up to 500 and some change.

This morning I woke up to my website being down... I really don't question why, as it's free and a favour, but it was down never the less. I really want to get people to visit my forums. I'm pondering first posting my website and seeing how many people will visit it... I would get modded down, so it's not worth it...


Journal Journal: IBT

IBT, or IRC Backbone Translator, is my implementation of a "bridge" between two protocols, IRCd-Hybrid and IRCd-Unreal.

As I've outlined on my homepage, it's closed source, due to vunerabilites. Anybody that wants it will have to run it in the VRE (Vortex Runtime Environment), coming out soon (read: In a couple months).

Vortex will use technology from a new project, AWE, to provide a user interface like KDE or Gnome. This will reduce the probabilites of hacking and maybe it will discourage people from finding glitches. Of course, the software is NOT safe, and DOES run behind a firewall, but it's packets coming in from IRC that I don't trust...

Anyways, that's it for now!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Long time, no blog

Guess who's back? You guessed it, me!

I got into the blogging thing for a bit, then got busy and got out of it again. The truth being, who actually reads this thing? I mean, who reads anybody else's blog anyways? I know I certainly don't read anybody else's.

Getting that out of the way, I want to see if I can get back into this thing, and post a link to it on my site ( You never know who's interested in what I'm doing...

Had my second shift at my new job today at Tim Hortons, it was good, went really well, the supervisor said he was really impressed with me, so it's all good. I also got my bank account open for direct deposit, and got another $5.00 in tips. This is getting really profitable. The downside is I get paid half wage for orientation, which is the shits. Oh well, I have another shift tommorow 10-2.

Smell ya later!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Yet Another day

It's actually the second last day of school here, over in Nova Scotia! You wouldn't know it right away, as I am not in school, I actually don't have any classes anymore in the morning (Except tommorow, I have a typing test).

Recently, I've been playing NOLF, and also have been making NOLF maps. My friend, the co-found of the Camoguys Clan is also working on a few maps. As of late, we are trying to get around the abnormalities of the DEdit program (used to mapping). My maps so far have been boring, to say the least, but now I'm working on a large Assult Map (2 sided battle, like CS). Soon, I should be able to send out a UNITY demo, of the building I'm working on, and maybe the now forgotten DM map I made, which sucks horribly, and is too linear.

In other news, I'm posting on my blog again! I never did get into blogging, but maybe I will now, it's hard to say. It's like posting your thoughts with nobody listening/caring, right? Hmmmm, sounds logical to me!

Anyways, i'm out!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fighting with users

No, it is not what is sounds like. I was talking -- commenting -- on somebody's comment (It's the one about Opera). Ah, Slashdotters are harsh people.

Ug, today was worse then most Mondays, mostly because of the long weekend, and lack of sleep last night, oh what fun.

We'll just have to wait and see what happens later...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Another Day

Well, it's another day, and more posts.

It got sort of flamed today, maybe because I talk to cryptic, but that doesn't really matter. In the post about the Mame controller i said a lot of joysticks were rare for the PC, and I *did* know that it was for the computer, but people still insisted in pointing this out

So as a result, i got modded down (-1) because of it...Oh well, you can win everybody over, unlike one of my pervious posts that got modded way up

Anways, it's just another day at /.

User Journal

Journal Journal: New Slashdot

Today is my first day as a slashdot member! I've made a few posts, and totally screwed up one of my other ones (damn <br>s!)

Also, I had a hell of a time finding the "Reply" button...I am so f*ckin blind...

Whee! Peace out all!

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