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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Internet Screenshot-sm 92

MMBK writes "Our friends at JESS3 have unveiled The Ex-Blocker. It's a Firefox and Chrome plugin that erases all name and likeness of your ex from the Internet, even if they become a meme, or the president. You'll no longer have to threaten to delete your Facebook account or concoct an elaborate e-hoax to assuage the reality-shattering complications that are born from break-ups. Simply construct an Internet that omits bad vibes all together."

Scribd Switches To HTML5 177

drfreak writes "This story from OSNews describes Scribd, a site for uploading and reading documents, switching from Flash to HTML5. The major reason for the decision was that HTML5 supports all the major points of the site's previous functionality, so they saw no point in using Flash any more. The big improvement in the rollout is that documents are now first-class citizens of HTML and no longer need to sit in a Flash 'window.'"

Comment Re:for those ruby railers (Score 1) 175

Even though they are different things I agree.. HAML is much easier to learn since it's compiled afterwards, so you're always working with your HAML code as opposed to Zen where your Zen code disappears as soon as you compile it to HTML once (which makes remembering how to do things pretty hard). I love HAML more than plain HTML and it makes Zen Coding completely unnecessary.

Comment You don't need a course to type fast! (Score 1) 705

The majority of kids around 12-16 I see these already type at very decent speeds, since they're IM'ing and Facebook'ing all the time. I myself learned typing 110wpm without any touch typing course (except for a small tutorial program I fooled around with on the PC a few times). Touch typing courses are so dated.. I don't think kids need them these days.

Panel Recommends Space Science, Not Stunts 304

wisebabo writes "A panel reporting to President Obama is recommending that we skip landing on the Moon and Mars and instead consider progressively deeper space voyages (first to the L1 Earth-Moon point, then perhaps the L2 Earth-Sun point, then a Mars flyby/orbit or asteroid visits). While in Mars orbit, the astronauts could send robotic probes to land on the surface, which could be much more effective than current rovers without the 10-minute time lag to Earth. I, for one, whole-heartedly agree that this approach would lead to 'the most steady cadence of steady improvement,' and keep us from inconsistent achievements in space (like not leaving Earth orbit for 40 years). Some would say that this approach would be lacking in the photo-ops necessary to maintain interest in the space program (no footprints on Martian soil) but I think there would be plenty of cool vistas — perhaps a rendezvous with a comet, or even orbiting one of the moons of Jupiter, assuming they figure out radiation shielding — to keep the taxpayer dollars flowing. The science return would be much greater because it would hopefully utilize both man and machine at their best; robots on one-way trips down into a gravity well while the humans provide the intuition and flexibility from orbit."

Comment Re:No iPhone TomTom, stop pretending there is (Score 1) 422

My thoughts exactly, how can 80% of the iPhone owners use their phone for turn-by-turn navigation if there are no decent applications for that on the iPhone in the first place? Google Maps is not a turn-by-turn navigation solution.
I can use my Symbian phone using Nokia Maps (+navigation lisence), but a small screen phone in the cup holder of my car, running off it's own limited battery is no match for a dedicated navigation system :) I'd rather use my â 200 TomTom for that.. you can get them for even less than that nowadays.

Source Code of Several Atari 7800 Games Released 153

jadoon88 writes to share a series of old Atari 7800 games that have been unofficially open sourced. "Remember Dig Dug or Centipede or Robotron? They used to be favorites when Atari's 7800 series was still around. Since the era of those consoles is over, and a different world of interactive reality gaming has taken over, Atari has unofficially released source code of over 15 games for the coders and enthusiasts to admire the state-of-the-art (because this is what it was back then). During those times, nobody would have imagined in their wildest dreams the games that Atari's developers floated into the gaming thirsty market and instantly swept across continental boundaries. But things changed soon after that and a company once regarded as one of the most successful gaming console manufacturers and developers faded away in the pages of our technology's hall-of-fame."

iPhone Vulnerability Yields Root Access Via SMS 186

snydeq writes "Pwn2Own winner Charlie Miller has revealed an SMS vulnerability that could provide hackers with root access to the iPhone. Malicious code sent by SMS to run on the phone could include commands to monitor location using GPS, turn on the phone's microphone to eavesdrop on conversations, or make the phone join a DDoS attack or botnet, Miller said. Miller did not provide detailed description of the SMS vulnerability, citing an agreement with Apple, which is working to fix the vulnerability in advance of Black Hat, where Miller plans to discuss the attack in greater detail. 'SMS is a great vector to attack the iPhone,' Miller said, as SMS can send binary code that the iPhone processes without user interaction. Sequences can be sent to the phone as multiple messages that are automatically reassembled, thereby surpassing individual SMS message limits of 140 bytes."

iPhone App Causes Google To Shut Down SMS Service 420

An anonymous reader writes "A few days ago, Inner Fence released a paid iPhone app called Infinite SMS, which let iPhone users employ Google's free SMS gateway to send SMS messages without paying their service providers. The resulting surge in traffic on Google's SMS gateway forced Google to block all third-party applications from using the free SMS feature — including Google's own GTalk client."

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