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Comment Re:DC and Pittsburgh? (Score 1) 116

Detroit...Where did Detroit come from..Oh i see you just wanted to have 2 cents in this matter. Well let me tell you Detroit is cheap yes, but when you go to acquisition the land, Me thinks Pittsburgh is a better place and has easier ways to acquire it then Detroit does..Also more veterans tend to live in Pittsburgh then Detroit.

Comment Re:DC and Pittsburgh? (Score 1) 116

Probably because Pittsburgh has tons of factory spaces that are completely abandoned and would be dirt cheap..There are probably tons of veterans which Darpa tends to hire there as well as a lot of TechDirt wanna be members there as well. As for your talk of Hands-on research, who better then veterans of the military

Comment Re:network neutrality? think anti-trust (Score 1) 348

> Comcast's discriminatory bandwidth cap as a violation of network neutrality

Forget about network neutrality, this has "Microsoft flashback" written all over it. And if you think that Microsoft sticking its IE as default into OS was outrageous, how outrageous is this?

No this is like Microsoft sticking its IE as default into OS, and charging you if you wanted to download Netscape

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