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Comment End to copyright (Score 0) 60

I am all for abandoning copyright altogether, and where I live, I vote Pirate party. That being said, copyright does exist ATM, and greedy Google clearly stole Java language idea. manifested in API files, from Sun (now Oracle). Google was already giant corporation and could easily pay for using this _gigantic_ investment of Sun in Android OS, perhaps saving Sun in the process. Their greed prevented them of doing so. I can't really see how copying API files are any different then copying any other work. There was probably more research and investment on Sun's part behind Java API, then implementation of individual functions. I really wish court decides Google to pay enormous amount of money, perhaps leading to rethinking of this whole stupid "copyright" idea.

Comment Threatening cloud? (Score 1) 142

Is this thing threatening cloud? I mean, if you are not huge company, this machine (120 CPU) alone can host your entire enterprise and you will save LOT of money, comparing to AWS/Azure/Google cloud services. Maybe folks will start to move their stuff from cloud to private "cloud" made of single computer? If you use docker already, you can move everything easily.

Comment Re:the Herprie Derpies are back! (Score 2) 82

Speed of light is hard limit, so if you have chip bigger (like 15 cm big) it only can improve performance of _parallel_ algorithms by having thousands of cores, speed of single algorithm cannot be improved much (only by rearranging transistors at current size). This is serious bottleneck for many tasks. Going 3D will be extremly difficult and limited, because of problems with cooling. However, several layers of L1 cache (like 1 GB) would again greatly improve single-threaded performance once more (and really for the last time, unless we figure completely new physics in quantum theory department, and one useful for CPU design at that).

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