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Comment I drive a Dodge Stratus (Score 1) 961

Stability control saves lives, know what Porsche's PSM stands for? Please Save Me. The non GT Carrera's i.e. the 911's all have stability control and even though there is a button to turn it off it is not completely disengaged.

A few years back another GT driver and his passenger were killed on a race track in So. California by a Ferrari entering the track the GT swerved, went in to the grass and hit a retaining wall.

These cars need stability control, this is a huge mess for Porsche. Thank God they don't make these GT's anymore, half of them are gone anyway and when the wreck there's not much left.

Comment Everquest Next (Score 1) 555

It's not out yet but looks promising. What is missing from WoW, and I'm a long term player, is an element of danger.

I remember playing EQ1 when it first came out, it was sometimes frustrating but kept your heart pounding.

Remember the feeling of being in Lower Guk and thinking I'll never get out of here alive?

Comment I guess this is a good thing, but... (Score 0) 314

I used the patch off an on, left one on overnight - don't do that btw :) If the goal is to quit smoking regular cigarettes and all the ancillary issues of having something on fire near your face, it works.

But...if the end goal is to stop nicotine addiction ECigs is *not* the solution.

Comment Before crossing the bridge you must answer 3 quest (Score 1) 242

Three questions:

1.) What is your name?
2.) What is your quest?
3.) What is your favorite color?

And three Python questions:

1.) When are you going to respond to all these questions?!?!
2.) What is your favorite editor?
3.) this has been asked prolly, Python in the browser, do you think it will ever happen?
*** optional
4.) What is your favorite sci-fi movie?

Comment Re:quit drinking (Score 1) 330

not fucking one of the steps is to ACTUALLY STOP DRINKING!

Thats true and there is a reason for it. You only have to change one thing in life to conquer addiction and that's "everything"... Something I hear a lot. If you just want to quit drinking (good luck) you don't need the 12 steps or AA, but addiction is such an insidious thing that creeps into every aspect of life that you have no choice but to change "everything".

Comment Re:"earlier Mars mission" == MER-A Spirit (Score 2) 87

No malloc()? Interesting, I worked on a project at NG and we had same policy. Everything was on the stack or global. We had the chance to run with Monta Vista embedded Linux but someone higher up decided to go with "tried and true" VxWorks. I agree with a poster above about re-training costs and all that adding up.. but if embedded linux became standard with big companies I don't think it would take too long to make-up the costs of re-training and all the other stuff that goes with it.

Comment Why Python?!?!?! (Score 1) 477

I started working with Python several years ago back in 2008 or so and we used it mainly as bash replacement, glue code for our c++ apps, and I wrote a utility in python that generated a bunch of data to stress test our protocol processing engine.

After using it for just our testing and glue code stuff I realized a lot of our c++ code could be written in Python maybe even most of it. It's not perfect and don't get me started on my friend GIL :) And yah I don't like the white space but I got over it. Almost got into a fist fight with someone who swore by tabs and I like spaces. btw who likes tabs over spaces????

Now here's where it gets weird, I started to like Javascript - well I kind of had to, what choice do you have writing client apps in a browser? And no Java allowed for us unfortunately, not my choice.

But If Python had curly braces and could run in a browser I'd be happier than a coondog on a bare leg!

Comment How about good old assembly? (Score 1) 477

section .text
        global _start ;must be declared for linker (ld)

_start: ;tell linker entry point

        mov edx,len ;message length
        mov ecx,msg ;message to write
        mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
        mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
        int 0x80 ;call kernel

        mov eax,1 ;system call number (sys_exit)
        int 0x80 ;call kernel

section .data

msg db 'Hello, world!',0xa ;our dear string
len equ $ - msg ;length of our dear string

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