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Comment Re: For an immediate cheering up (Score 3, Insightful) 269

I watched that video when it first appeared [somewhere]

I continue to happily rant about systemd despite the assertations that 'it's all me' from some bsd dude...

It's not me. It's utter shit. Great for a laptop or some desktop machine I'm sure, but it has no place in a data center server where uptimes are measured in months and no-one sticks a fucking USB stick into your box.

Comment Re: Good if done right - many are not.. (Score 2) 208

Avatar was perhaps the first movie *past the red/blue 3D things ala Jaws 3D - which did things right.
The movie benefited from being designed / filmed from the ground up with 3D in mind and did it *very* well.

At perhaps only one point (some superficial flying junk on the bird things) did I feel 'Welp. that was the 3D moment'. Otherwise it just seamlessly worked.

Compare that to subsequent films like that Final Destination / Saw 3D etc - where literally *every* 'spectacular death' had some cheesy 3D aspect to it - a spike impaling someone and being 'right in your face' or a big rock falling ontop of you, or a cloud of bee's buzzing around your head. The film was '2D' until suddenly something 'spectacular' happened and it just felt utterly tacked on for a 3D moment.

I never go see 3D movies. If it's being released in 3D I'l specifically opt for the 2D version if it's offered. If it's not, I won't go see it. 'nuff said.

Comment Re:Always wrong? (Score 1) 63

Are you sure about that?

D'you remember what Arthur Anderson changed their name to after their accounting scandal debacle re: Enron?

I 'vaguely' remember. Some bulltshit floaty-woaty fairy name or something or other beginning with A.
I have to look it up.. I might remember if I saw it, but I can't immediately bring it to mind when asked.

PS: I looked it up. It's Accenture.

Comment Re:Instead of down-modding, explain what is wrong? (Score 1) 265

To be fair.. I'd go as far as to say 98% of spoofed phonecalls are to (Primary) English speaking countries.
  There's little point some 'sales rep' sittin' in a call center in India callin' up some german speaking citizen with a barely-understandable-anyway English script...

But yes - Also those with lax laws about wether you can (or should) be doing it or not.

Comment Re: Embrace the healing power of AND (Score 1) 265

Indeed it does - and I have one myself.

Excellently designed. Doesn't need you to maintain a whitelist.. or a blacklist ( which most of the landline call blockers do - utterly pointless when numbers are spoof'd)

Sadly - My unit was *incredibly* hard to purchase. it had been listed on amazon as 'out of stock' for months and months. And while they *do* have a web site from which you can purchase a unit directly - THAT was also 'out of stock' for a long period of time. It was only when I was showing the page to a friend that I noticed there was a 'buy now...' button and I quickly snapped one up.

Since then? Their web site says for all their products : Retired

I suspect they got some kind of 'finger-of-god' interaction pointed at them. Or perhaps some infringing patent or.. I dunno. A piece of equipment THIS good, far in advance of any other I see on amazon has to have something nefarious dumped on it.

Comment Re:Default judgments are a load of crap (Score 1) 148

Depends on the judge.

I defend every traffic violation I've ever been handed. Some of them valid, some of them not.

In cases where the officer didn't turn up, I'd say that 70% of the cases were tossed out, and in two cases the judge rescheduled. I objected, naturally, and in one instance it was later dropped, and in the other rescduled and later heard - after which it got thrown out anyway.

I have a 100% success rate in either reducing my (valid) tickets to a slap on the wrist (read: $90 court fine) or tosses out entirely. :P

Goto court.. defend yourself, even if you're guilty, you'll often get a non-points-incurring-verdict.

Comment Re:Ok, why? (Score 2) 311

Warren Buffet has done a *heapload* of a-hole things. Some guy released a book about it a number of years ago.. I was surprised..

Things like - he made a monopoly of industrial railroads. He bought up the indvidual railroad operators and then intentionally shut them down or reduced service so the companies who ship.. coal, grain, steel etc would have to pay more to use HIS (now only) railroad.

This raised the price of grain / coal / steel.. etc - so he bought those - used his rail monopoly to see increased profits.. etc etc..

Like I said - I was quite surprised. I had thought him a 'standup guy' - but apparent he's an a-hole.

Comment Isn't this a huge mini split? (Score 3, Insightful) 155

Feel free to point out if I'm wrong.. But, isn't this just like a huge mini split? Using CO2 instead of um.. Freon, or whatever they put in them these days?

Stick a huge finned thing out in the ocean, cycle some refrigerant around it, transfer heat from one side to the other? Requires electricity and it's not like.. you're *consuming* CO2 and removing it magically?

The article seemed to describe exactly what the mini-split in my living room does, only on a much higher scale, and with C02 as the transport medium instead of some other rare gas?

Comment Re:Fry needs to fuck off (Score 1) 270

I also care!

As an ex-pat Brit, I caught a few episodes on Dave a year or so back and I find it *Actually* Quite Interesting!

There's factoids and funny bits all through it - you can't find anything like it on 'merikan television (or at least I can't with my cable line-up).

Full Disclosure: I liked Blackadder, that Laywer program he came out with, Jeeves and Wooster (when it came out, less so now), Peters Friends and that Anonymous film he did.. :)

Comment Re:This time, before anyone asks who he is... (Score 1) 270

I recently revisited the 'Jeeves and Wooster' series with my wife (who is not English) after exhorting its brilliant'ness.

Turns out that my memory is rosy, and it's actually kinda dull and crap. I was disappointed in myself. Blackadder on the other hand, stands the test of time (and memory!)

Comment Interity not price... (Score 1, Troll) 174

Actually no. I buy AMD processors for *intregity*

I haven't bought an Intel processor since they said : If you can show us you *need* it you can have a fixed Pentium (without the FDIV bug).

Publicly, Intel acknowledged the floating-point flaw, but claimed that it was not serious and would not affect most users. Intel offered to replace processors to users who could prove that they were affected. However, although most independent estimates found the bug to be of little importance and would have negligible effect on most users, it caused a great public outcry.

So.. long memory. Many $'s lost. Don't piss off customers (or lie about it and when you have to fess up say : Whatever..)

Comment Re: It has begun! (Score 2) 145

I can attest to this.

I'm British and was a perfectly proficient parallel parker before I moved to 'merika. 20 years over here, and the ez-mode perpendicular parking has atrophied my skills such that.. when I was in NYC the other day and tasked with performing a parallel park.. I ended up with one wheel on the pavement... >_

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 3, Interesting) 184

So.. great. Now this guy can go into the same bin as that dude who pushed systemd. The 'Clusterfuck of Things I didn't want..."

2003 outlook was the last I actually liked. I hung onto it for as long as I possibly could before being forced to upgrade to.. I dunno.. whatever it is out there now. It had a reasonably nice UI, it was quick and did a bunch of stuff I liked. The UI wasn't splattered all over the place and it had nice bevelled buttons and stuff, instead of the flat bollocks that is the current trend. I mean, I have what.. three choices of 'theme' now? White, 'light grey' and 'dark grey' - none of which are much use in allowing me to distinguish between parts of the interface..

So.. now I know who to blame. .

Comment Re:Let the Public Decide (Score 1) 439

I take my car to a dealership too. I don't have a great deal of choice, but that's another story.

My list, the first year, included : New air-cabin-filter, oil filter, oil.. some other sundries. They even helpfully brought the air-cabin-filter with them to the waiting area to show me exactly how dirty it was! Full of gunk and y'know... crumbly leafy bits. $60 to replace that.

Since I have no knowledge of cars, I went home and decided to 'get me some lerning..'

Air filter = $3 online.
Changing air cabin filter is literally.. (and I *actually mean literally*) case of opening the glove compartment, depressing two clips and pulling it out.

Next time I went, they brought me my air filter to inspect once again - asked me if I'd like it changed - since it was 'so awful'.
Me: No, thanks - but since you have it out already, and you have to put something back, would you mind putting *THIS* one back in, rather than the one in your hand?
Engineer: Sorry, we can't do that..
Me: No worries, I'll just save the $57 and pop it out once you're done.

etc etc. There's like a dozen little things like this which are *completely stupid* that they try to bag you for.

I hate my dealership. They spam me every six months telling me my car needs a service because.. y'know.. ITS BEEN SIX MONTHS!
Despite me swearing at the fuckers that : I don't even drive the thing anymore, take me off your goddamn list, I'll come in when I'm ready.


Their showroom could go up in smoke and I'd actually be happy.

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Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
