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Comment Re:1000 fold (Score 1) 166

I know that the tidy way to do this would be to sort the array first, but I don't - because the thing is executing on a 2.4GHz processor, and I ....

Searching a sorted array is O(log(N)) and can have appalling cache performance. Consider using a hash-table to store the values and then testing for presence/absence of a value is O(1). Namgge.

Comment Re:Reading the meter (Score 1) 172

My digital meter has an led that flashes once per watt-hour. i.e. a 3kW kettle flashes it about once per second. This would be dead easy to interface with an Arduino, but it hardly seems worth the effort. If you want to save power: don't home-work, buy fewer gadgets, wear appropriate clothes, turn stuff off unless you are in the room using it.


Comment Re:A question for the limeys: (Score 1) 213

The press are very careful to refer to "alleged" actions and "reported" events and make it clear that they are only expressing an opinion and not stating "fact", which will get you around most of the libel laws in the UK.

It is a myth that qualifying statements with "alleged", etc. will protect you from libel actions. Indeed, the fact that you did so can be used to argue that you doubted the truth of your statement but went ahead and made it anyway knowing it could be damaging and/or untrue. Even true statements, if they are made with the intention of causing damage to another's reputation can be libelous...


Comment Keep the lid on the trash closed (Score 1) 505

I believe that scientists should publish their algorithms and methods, but publishing code may be counterproductive for several reasons. Firstly, another group trying to replicate and/or verify the method should start from scratch to ensure their work doesn't simply import flaws from the original. Secondy, I don't believe it is possible to debug science code to the point where it is defect free - people keep debugging only until the results agree with their intuition. Thirdly, scientists should not waste their lives sifting through thousands of line of Fortran written by long-gone grad students hoping to find errors, they should be creating and investigating new stuff. Namgge

Comment Re:Story meaning? (Score 1) 313

They admitted to using file sharing software not pirating goods via said software... The study is effectively making the assumption that filesharing = copyright infringement.

This does seem important to me. At work, everybody uses network drives as a method of 'filesharing' (spreadsheets of the latest paperclip audit, the coffee club accounts, etc., but not music thanks to the BOFH's watchful scripts.). They also do this from home using the vpn. I'm sure if you asked any of them if they 'used filesharing software' they would reply 'yes'. However, the majority would have no idea what peer2peer sharing was.


Comment Users and Spotlight Server (Score 1) 438

Firstly, you can absolutely forget about any system that requires users to name documents in a way that is descriptive, consistent, unique or anything else that a sane person would do.

Secondly, MacOS X Spotlight Server (as of version 10.5.7) doesn't work as one would expect/hope. Users' files stored on the server get indexed by the server but this index can only be read by users logged in to the server console (or via ssh), not clients that access the files my mounting them as shared volumes. If a client wishes to search the files, it must build its own index over the network. The workload on the server/network can cause severe performance issues until the clients have built their indexes, a process that will take hours and may take days to complete if you have a lot of files.


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