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Comment Re:Fuck it - everyone for themselves. (Score 2) 374

Right keep believing that.


For example, the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) -- the state's public utilities authority -- voted to charge $0.70 per kilowatt (KW) to rooftop solar owners to help offset utility revenue losses.

It's about loss revenue for the utilities. It has nothing to do about the little guy.

Comment Re:Dumb question (Score 1) 243

You do realize these kids were tested first to see if they had a peanut allergy.

FTA: "All had been given skin-prick tests to make sure they were not already allergic to peanuts. "

So they took precautions to make sure they kids weren't already allergic, something a parent isn't going to know. If you kids are allergic to eggs or had eczema, they might be at risk to having an allergy to peanuts. So the first thing you don't do is shove peanuts down their throats! You'd better have your child tested first. IF, they don't have an allergy, THEN you can give them peanuts, which should help prevent them from developing one.

Comment Re:I refute (Score 1) 243

No they are not asserting that dumb-ass.

FTFA: A big warning, though: The babies in the study were checked to make sure they didn't already have a peanut allergy before they were fed foods that included peanuts, so parents of babies thought to be at risk for an allergy should not try this on their own.

"Before you even start any kind of introduction these children need to be skin-tested" to prevent life-threatening reactions, said Dr. Rebecca Gruchalla, an allergy specialist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.

So if you have an allergy, eating peanuts won't fix your allergy. If you don't have an allergy, but are likely to, eating peanuts can help prevent you developing an allergy.

Comment Re:Good grief... (Score 1) 681

Or your could read the actual quote before you get your panties in a bunch:

"Well, this is the world’s most technically advanced society, and we have people denying climate change. These guys are still in deep denial, and future generations, what few of them will be alive, are just going to go, “What were you freaking people doing? What was wrong with you?” So, in a sense, an F. But if it makes you feel any better, you can say a B-minus. We have this top tier [of scientists] in the U.S., the people who graduated from Stanford, from Berkeley, from MIT, Cornell. Those people are still exceptional and really good. But we have this enormous gap between that and just regular software writers and farmers and people that need to be scientifically literate."

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