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Comment Re:not really practical application (Score 1) 118

Yes -- Ground Effect will be significantly in play while the craft is within 0.5 of a wingspan/rotor span of the ground -- but it does drop off fairly quickly as you increase distance. It's hard to say with a craft like that just when GE stops having a strong effect -- but judging from those videos, It's likely not nearly enough once you're past 50 to 100cm. The Sikorsky prize specifies 3 M off the ground for 60 seconds. I doubt that human powered craft will achieve that any time soon.

Comment Re:Offshore testing (Score 1) 630

My team works like this, and it is very effective. You get bug reports while the code is still very fresh in your mind. So I agree that there are significant productivity benefits to having a QA team 12 hours or so out of sync with your developers.

But it in the area of development things are a bit more mixed. My team has a number of developers in the far east, and a few in Europe too. They are all outstanding engineers. But the costs of the pure labor are equalizing fast. There is little and diminishing cost advantages to off-shoring development. In a few more years there will likely be no place left where there is a significant talent pool of skilled and educated software engineers that are appreciably cheaper than they are in North America or Europe.

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