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Comment Re:Is this Google's fault? (Score 1) 434

>They also abandoned my Apple //e

I don't know when Apple officially dropped support for them, but they stopped manufacturing them in 1997, and selling them in 1998. However, as recently as 2008, one could still find "Apple // Authorized Service Centers". Places that one could take their Apple // to, and have both software and hardware issues fixed.

Apparently, for some businesses, it is cheaper to use buy "broken" Apples, and have repaired, than to write/rewrite/port the software they use, to something that runs on more recent hardware.

Comment Re:Some good data... (Score 2) 434

I bought a Google Experience device, within days of the official release of that device.

It did not ship with the then most current version of Android.
It was not updated to what was the most current version of Android when the device was released, until after Google had released two more versions of Android.
IOW, there was no point in time when the current version of Android was available for the device. There was a period of perhaps as long as six months, when the version of Android it was running, was the second most recently released version of Android.

Given Google's failure to support their own "Google Experience Devices", I have no illusions about the will, and desire, of other companies support of their hardware. In all instances, the only safe assumption is that there will be a point blank refusal by the vendor to update, fix, or do anything with either software or hardware.

Comment Re:This is news - how? (Score 1) 49

> I'm not sure if the robots were pink or not - they were a light color, could have been beige, white, or some light shade of pink.

In a fit of moronic stupidity, Mary Kay let its trademarked color lapse. Since then, the company has been scrambling to find a shade of pink that they can claim to be theirs, and theirs alone. Consequently, their livery has ranged from a pearly white-pink, to a very dark purple-pink, wandering through both orange-pink, and a greenish-pink.

Comment Re:And this is where it begins. (Score 1) 49

>And if the cost for these robots go down enough in the next 5 to 10 years, he could be out of a job

For the typical warehouse operation, either the cost of converting from human labor to bots will have to drop to a third of the current prices, or the cost of labor will have to rise about 30%, before it becomes cost-effective to retrofit the operation to mainly/exclusively bots.

Any rational company, building a warehouse today, is going to design it for bots doing all of the grunt work. The only on-site humans will be the warehouse manager, and the person who takes care of the bots.

The warehouse of the future will keep everything in the container it was shipped to the warehouse in, until the item has to be shipped to the customer. The containers will be stacked two or three high, with an overhead crane moving the containers between their destination in the warehouse, and the barge/truck/rail car/plane that they came on.

Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 86

Or maybe Comcast is his current cable tv vendor, and knows that improving its service by a googolplexian, will still result in it providing crappy service, whether it be the techs that install Internet service to business customers, that don't know what Linux is, or the sales reps that don't know whether or not the company can serve a specific address, or the equipment people that send out "new" equipment that looks like a Leopard 2A7+ rolled over it.

Comment Re:I will never understand (Score 5, Informative) 104

>Yeah, yeah, yeah, McDonald's Coffee case. There was something there legally that wasn't reported in the media or if it was, it went over everyone's head.

Things most people miss.

The manager of that McDonald's refused to pick up 50% of the initial ER bill. ( Literally, all they had to do, was sign a piece of paper, and that would have been that. I've forgotten the dollar amount, but even doubling it, to allow for the cost of having a lawyer examine it, would have been far cheaper, than the resulting lawsuit.)

McDonald's corporate had cited that specific McDonald's for violating their policy on how hot coffee should be served at, several times, before this specific incident occurred.

Need I mention her third degree burns, in an area of the body that is extremely difficult to treat.

Comment Re:Is the math not towing the groupthink? (Score 1) 208

But their replacement is even more subject to bias that p-Values.

At least with P-Values I don't have to delve into a dozen things that are not in the paper, to see the error. With their proposal, I have to investigate at least a dozen factors that are not mentioned dn the paper, to determine where, and why the errors that are made are present.

IOW their proposed replacement makes lying using statistics so much more trivial, that you can now say that lies and statistics are synonyms.

Comment Re:The Elephant in the room, no one is talking abo (Score 1) 332

Even if the earth was in the middle of an ice age, the Western Antarctic Ice Shelf would be collapsing, and melting away.

Using that as proof of global warming, is akin to using Westboro Baptist Church as proof that God is enamoured of out-of-wedlock same-sex intimate sexual relationships, and that everybody must participate in one, at least once a week.


Comment Re:What a wonderful unit! (Score 1) 332

>If Americans adopt metric

I hope you realize that the United States was one of the first, if not very first country to both endorse the metric system, and make it a legal unit of measurement.

What Congress forgot to do, was mandate that all government agencies use the metric system.

Probably the major reasons for the failure of metrification in the seventies and eighties are:
A} Speed limits. Instead of changing 5 mph to 10 kph, it was changed to 8 kph. Nobody's speedometer has checks at 8 km/h, 16 km/h and similar multiples of 8.
B} Instead of moving the sign that says "exit 1/2 mile ahead" to "exit 1 km ahead", they changed it to read "exit 804.3 meters" ahead.
C} Instead of using cm to measure the height of a person, they used meters.
D) Instead of measuring bust size in cm, they used meters.
(One meter sounds small. 100 cm sounds big. Furthermore, nobody wants to be called a 1. 100, yes. 1, no.)


Comment Re: Impact on Ocean tiny in comparison (Score 1) 332

In the short term, nuclear energy is cheap.

In the long term, nuclear energy is the most expensive option that is available.
Hint: After factoring in all of the costs, it currently cost one trillion dollars to produce one watt of electricity from nuclear power. That figure climbs at around two percent per month, and will continue to do so, for then dozen millennia.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
