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Comment Re:Strange (Score 1) 443

"If those evil pirates weren't ruining gaming by downloading things and costing us so much money, people would never have gotten the horrible idea that they had the right to get games over the internet instead of coming to our stores so we can charge them extra to buy a physical copy! If we don't charge for and track every physical copy of all music, videos, and games, to prevent improper use like actually listening to, watching or playing them, the WORLD WILL END!" ~sarcasm

Comment Re:Look, honestly, this is getting old! (Score 2, Informative) 342

Yep. I've known families who've had their kids taken away for anonymous tips over things that never even happened. It's sad how many times good families get smacked down for minor differences in childrearing while families where there's real abuse and danger to the kids don't get found out for years.
PlayStation (Games)

Submission + - PS3 jailbreak with a TI-89 Titanium calculator (

An anonymous reader writes: There are more and more ways to jailbreak a Playstation 3 nowadays, despite Sony efforts. After it was made possible with the TI-84 Plus graphing calculator, it is now possible to do it with a TI-89 Titanium via the USB port. Brandon Wilson has released a TI-89 Titanium version of his PS3JB program and a Youtube video shows it in action.
Wireless Networking

Submission + - Is it legal to use Firesheep at Starbucks? (

CWmike writes: People using the Firefox add-on Firesheep to hack online accounts via Wi-Fi may be breaking federal wiretapping laws, legal experts said on Monday. Or maybe not. 'I honestly don't know the answer,' said Phil Malone, a clinical professor of law at Harvard Law School who also served for more than 20 years as a federal prosecutor with the U.S. Department of Justice. But while the tool itself is not illegal, using it may be a violation of federal wiretapping laws and an invasion of privacy, experts said.

Submission + - Why Computer Science Grads are unemployable (

An anonymous reader writes: A banking headhunter lets rip at the pathetic quality of new computer science graduates who only know Java and seem scared of the technology they are supposed to have mastered. To make it even nastier Dominic Connor is a CS grad himself, having debugged O/S code for IBM and Microsoft, a task that newbies seem to reagrd with the suspersititous fear you'd expect from medieval peasants.

Submission + - Actroid Female Telepresence Robot Looks Super Real (

kkleiner writes: Kokoro recently unveiled its Actroid F telepresence robot, a full sized female humanoid with complex facial movements and realistic appearance. It can blink, shift its eyes and neck, bow, and even breathe. A webcam on your end watches your face and head movements and has the robot mimic them. It’s one of the most complex and human-like telerobots ever seen and it really freaks me out. This thing is sort of the epitome of the Uncanny Valley.

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Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. -- Henry David Thoreau
