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Comment Re:offshore yourself (Score 1) 420

you are creating a fake conflict based on ignorant prejudices about me and what i think, then injecting the ignorant position into the thread as if i said any of the position you are opposing. then you want me to support the contrarian position you made up in your head, as if it has anything to do with what i actually think or as if any one anywhere would ever want to take you up on the retarded offer

all you are doing is you are telling us you operate on prejudices rather than honest communication, that you can't tell the difference between the one dimensional strawmen that only reside in your head and actual real people, and that you lack any friends and desperately desire social interaction, because you make it personal and you stalk people based on these shallow partisan stereotypes

you need real friends, you need to actually talk to people rather than profile and creep on them, and you need to shut the fuck up because you are off the fucking topic. your social hygiene is pathetic and diseased

Comment offshore yourself (Score 4, Interesting) 420


in short: guy moves to malaysia (he had no ties to the area, just picked it on economic considerations) and doesn't just survive, but does well, on $16k/yr, working 10 hours a week

John is not independently wealthy. He did not have a big IPO, and does not have have a revenue stream. Nor does he have a best-selling book on, say, how to live cheap. Instead, he was a practicing programmer and IT program manager who moved from Virginia to Malaysia, on the expectation of taking a year long “sabbatical,” and, if he could find a way to make it work, to stay a bit longer.

Comment Re:Pretty sure this has been tried before. (Score 2) 131

Yep, when I was in elementary/middle school (late '80s / early '90s), there were Apple ][s everywhere. There was a big "computers in schools" push, grant money made it nearly free for a school to get them, so they all had them. I am not sure how effective it was at "improving productivity of the workforce" though.

Comment Re:Problem, Reaction, Solution... (Score 1) 195

there is no intelligent viewpoint to debate

if you see dark conspiracies where simple human nature obviously dominates, you're a fucking nutcase

not a baseless insult. an objective determination

to think the highly highly improbable is more likely than the spankingly obvious and inevitable is just dumb, and unhinged

violent religious nuts exist. violent religious nuts do what they do

panicky mobs exist. panicky mobs do what they do

overreaching bureaucrats exist. overreaching bureaucrats do what they do

this is all inevitable. there is no cabal. to think so, to not see basic human foibles at work and instead dark plots means you're an idiot and mentally deranged

Comment Re:Problem, Reaction, Solution... (Score 1) 195

look, i think this law sucks, but you are paranoid schizophrenic if you think the authorities generated the attack, and generated the outrage

1.violent religious wackjobs are real

2. panicky hysterical mob fear is real

3. overreaching overcontrolling bureaucrats are real

no one designed all those steps, they all actually happened organically, 1, 2, 3

this is all a tragedy of human nature, not some plot by a cabal

and thus we have organic natural step 4: "HERP DERP it's all a secret plot!" says the paranoid nutcases

and someone modded you up to 3?

fucking mentally unhinged losers

it must be a plot behind closed doors! /s

Comment Re:for anyone who doesn't see anything wrong here: (Score 1) 227

that's called taxes, moron, which all people are required to pay to society to keep it running

you can disagree with how your money is spent, that's fine. then vote for someone who will spend it in another way. but you don't get to make up on your own how much you owe according to your dimwitted uneducated "ideas"

money doesn't magically get in your bank account, dependent only on you, as if you live in an island. in fact, money is nothing more than an abstract value of human society itself. money only exists in the context of a human society, and is directly valuable in reflection of how well run that society is. money for broken down societies where no one pays taxes is worthless, inflation ridden junk. by your thinking, that's what you want your money to be: junk. can you eat your money in an isolated cabin in the woods where you never go to town? but you want to keep your money for yourself, and not give a portion to keep the society running in which your money actually means anything. this is simply revealing how fucking stupid you are about this topic

luckily, no one sane is going to let a stupid douchebag like yourself or the other puerile crackptos like you prevail on this notion, because we like being rich, and we don't morons like yourself making us poor

again, remedial education: your income depends upon a well functioning society. if no one maintains that society, your income shrinks, along with everyone else's. therefore, you must contribute in order to keep society functioning. understand loser?

and, indeed, if you're too stupid or selfish to understand this basic fact of your existence, then yes, men with guns should be sent to take from you what you owe, you freeloading asshole. and if you shoot back, drop your ignorant useless ass dead, please, and liquidate what you own to pay what you owe, the world a better place with one less stupid freeloading loser

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