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Comment Re: good (Score 1) 350

No, no... he's totally right. By changing the name the law disappeared. Just like the latest Liberal attack adds. As soon as they kicked the corrupt Liberal senators out of their caucus it gave them full justification to smear the Conservatives over their corrupt senators... because they don't have any of their own... right? Right?

Comment Re: good (Score 1) 350

I'm pretty sure the crown prosecutor can still request he be tried as an adult, with the judge determining if it's appropriate. A 16 year old charged with reckless endangerment for ghost riding, would be an example of a kid being a stupid kid. A 16 year old making 30 fraudulent calls to emergency services, and advertising his willingness to act for others as well, needs to be locked away and made an example of. The worst thing about Canada's Young Offenders Act is that it gives 'kids' who are determined to break the law the false sense that they are untouchable.

Comment Re:The biggest news ... (Score 1) 477

"it's generally not worth the hassle and extra cost" I think that's the biggest problem. Just like hard copy books, there will also be a market for those who want to physically own something, but the price has to be reasonably close to what it would cost to (legally) download/stream it. Were Blue-Ray movies to be dropped to the same price as DVD's, they would sell a lot more, and still make an obscene profit.

Comment Re:Easy answers (Score 1) 305

You are ignoring one of the goals associated with many RPG's and FPS's... gathering equipment and upgrades that give you an advantage over the foes in the game. Valuables are more likely to be behind locked doors than open ones. But in most games of this type, you start off with the weaponry that should allow you to get past the locked door, keys be damned. This is no different than the 'impassible' barricades that even a 5 year old could move out of the way, climb over, or climb under in real life. Designers should be tasked with coming up with more imaginative solutions to keeping the gamers out of areas that shouldn't be accessible without destroying the sense of immersion into a 'real' world. As to your example of doors within 40 feet that can't be opened. If it's a locked medical supply room that you know contains an epi-pen and a coworker is on the floor in a state of anaphylaxis, is that locked door going to stop you?

Comment Re:My son does fine with both (Score 2) 355

I remember when I thought like you. Do yourself a favor and keep your vows to yourself so you won't feel like a fool when you start breaking them, one by one, until only a few remain. Real life is a lot different than that 'ideal' you initially think you can achieve. Some of your vows won't be achievable, and some will be exposed as gains in one area of your child's development at the sacrifice of others. If you're a decent parent you'll perpetually reassess your actions and rules, and take into account that your child is not your clone and won't necessarily respond in a predicted manner.

Comment Re:Reality in the USA.... (Score 1) 529

The problem with Grad School, is that it is often designed for the narrowly focused individuals who can think brilliantly in their little box. Unfortunately for them, that little box isn't representative of the world at large. This is what makes many of them unemployable. Unless the job calls for narrow focus and a published paper as the end goal, there are often bachelor level graduates who will be able to perform the same function for less wage and with more situational awareness necessary to get a project to completion. The best part, if the person isn't working out, there are 100's, of not 1000's, waiting in the wings for their chance, as opposed to one of the much fewer masters or doctoral grads who weren't good enough to get on as a post-doc or adjunct professor so they could continue with the research they really would rather be doing.

Comment Re:Ireland got it ? (Score 2) 288

Maybe save the shame for the governments that refuse to fix these loopholes. Most refuse to do it because their politicians have direct or indirect ties to companies that would be negatively affected. The big Canadian example was Prime Minister Paul Martin and his family's company Canadian Steamship Lines, that avoided paying Canadian Taxes by running the ships under 'Flags of Convenience'. This wasn't illegal, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be. And before the biased far left pipes in, I have no doubts Harper also has ties to many companies that wouldn't be happy with him were he to change the tax laws.

Comment Re:Ridiculous. (Score 1) 317

Pretend to be objective for a second, remove fracking from the whole scenario and tell me that CEO would be perfectly fine with them building the water tower right next to his property. You don't want to acknowledge the facts, and you sure as hell won't accept my conjecture, that he'd still be fighting it, as being on at least equal footing to your own.

Comment Re:We are looser, that's it. (Score 1) 506

Can we just admit that both english and french are stupid languages that should have died out centuries ago in favor of a language where words are spelled out phonetically? As a Canadian, I'm willing to admit Americans are on the right track in dropping useless letters from the spellings of words, and I wish them all the luck in eventually turning english into american, complete with logical, instead of historical, spellings of words.

Comment Re:Ridiculous. (Score 2) 317

I one-upped you. Not only did I click on the Forbes article, I also read it. Once again it states that he is suing to stop the building of a water tower. Again, continue to warp the facts to make your point and you will continue to lose the support of thinking individuals. I happen to be against fracking. I used to work for a company that tested the composition of experimental frack fluids, I am horrified by what these oil companies are willing to inject into the ground, repercussions be damned. I also happen to be against manipulative crap being posted when there is factual information that will better support your cause.

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