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Comment Re:You're not willing to pay (Score 1) 285

How can you have a free labor market when the supply of workers is restricted by government support programs. People who live in section 8 housing, have an EBT card and get a welfare check are not going travel up and down the East coast all summer harvesting produce.

Then you have illegal immigrants allowed in who drive down the wages to those citizens who want to do migrant labor. The government is restricting the labor supply on one hand and flooding it on the other. Both which are detrimental to the country. Marginalized Blacks in the cities and exploited Hispanics in the country. Both groups overwhelmingly vote Democrat. Maybe that is the plan.

Comment Re:Recipe for failure (Score 1) 352

I guess you were lucky, your step daughter could do the work. My learning disabled daughter is unable to do math. Two years of my tutoring resulted in a lot of tear stained failed tests. While very intelligent with As and Bs in all her other classes she would be denied a diploma without passing the FCAT. Fortunately Florida allows remedial students unlimited attempts to pass each section of the test. A student with a good memory can eventually get a passing grade. She then went to a trade school and has a good job.

Comment Re:Ummm, no. Just no. (Score 1) 678

Deserts are ideal places to grow most crops. Abundant sunlight and low humidity prevents molds and blight. Few plants outside the watered areas to harbor insects. No excess rainfall to leach away your expensive fertilizers and drown your plants.

I have farmed spring potatoes in Florida. Seed pieces washed out of the ground by heavy rainfall. Seed pieces rotting in water soaked soil. Trying to harvest the crop from a muddy field is akin to being sent to Devil's Island.

Comment Re:That's great news! (Score 1) 517

Most positions only require a competent person, not the highest qualified. You can't hire the best qualified person without considering their interaction with their new co-workers. If you force a strident feminist into a shop of male jocks your productivity will go to hell. If you want to make money you do not engage in social engineering.

With government jobs you don't have to make money or actually achieve your purpose (such as giving children an education) so you can social engineer to your hearts content.

Comment Re:But....Profits! (Score 1) 281

My power cost $.10 a KWh. I average 1000 KWh a month now. Replacing my dead 3.5 ton central AC with window units saved me $50 a month. Painting my roof white saved a few of those dollars. Replacing my energy inefficient (but paid for) mobile home with a new house would cost $150,000. No thanks, I'm good, also poor so it's not happening anyway.

Comment Re:Gaming the system (Score 1) 75

OK, banks are all about money. They know when and how much I deposit. What would prevent a bank from making a transaction report for me when I deposited the 4000 dollars? That way their customer (me) doesn't get into trouble. Are they not allowed? I have to keep track of my deposits and request a report myself? Shouldn't the teller inform me that I am over the reporting limit and the IRS might seize my money?

Comment Re:If you could run your own cable this would go a (Score 1) 208

Without eminent domain most roads and transmission lines would be imposable or ruinously expensive to build. That one pass you need to go through is owned by a man who's great grand pappy is buried there and he wont move. Going around that mountain is going to cost you. What we have mostly works, when it doesn't, that's what courts are for. Broadband internet has become a needed utility. All but the most isolated should have affordable access.

Comment Re:"Unpowered" Energy ;) (Score 1) 128

The elderly and partially disabled need leg supports that keep you from falling. Occasionally my right leg gives out. I go to take a step and BOOM, I'm on the ground. It happens often enough my reflex is to put my hands to my chest and roll to land on my right shoulder. It's hard to get some exercise and yard work done when you spend a fair amount of time inspecting your lawn at eye level.

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