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Comment Re:If you could run your own cable this would go a (Score 1) 208

Without eminent domain most roads and transmission lines would be imposable or ruinously expensive to build. That one pass you need to go through is owned by a man who's great grand pappy is buried there and he wont move. Going around that mountain is going to cost you. What we have mostly works, when it doesn't, that's what courts are for. Broadband internet has become a needed utility. All but the most isolated should have affordable access.

Comment Re:"Unpowered" Energy ;) (Score 1) 128

The elderly and partially disabled need leg supports that keep you from falling. Occasionally my right leg gives out. I go to take a step and BOOM, I'm on the ground. It happens often enough my reflex is to put my hands to my chest and roll to land on my right shoulder. It's hard to get some exercise and yard work done when you spend a fair amount of time inspecting your lawn at eye level.

Comment Re:Wrong place at the wrong time.... (Score 0) 113

Or it could exonerate you. Some years back a black office worker went to lunch. A crime was committed some miles away by a black man. The police zeroed in on this guy even though he would have to have driven over the speed limit all the way to and from the crime scene and had green lights all the way. Even though people swore they saw him have lunch a few blocks from his office he couldn't prove where he was.

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