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Comment Re:I put 3 kids through the UNC system no debt (Score 1) 541

Right. Only kids with parents able to pay should be able to go to college. Your snowflakes are clearly more special than the snowflakes born to poor parents. Kids with parents who work low paying jobs should just follow their parents into the same low paying jobs. Kids with parents who don't have jobs should just continue that trend. Who needs upward mobility in a society. The Caste System worked great for a very long time.

Comment Re:There you have it (Score 1) 672

I'm going with "Gay people have a genetic disorder. We have to cure the gays of their gayness!"

By "cure" they will mean "throw into a vat of boiling oil" or "press them with rocks" in an attempt to burn or squeeze the gay out of them. It is a fail safe solution. None of the subjects displayed symptoms of being gay after "treatment".

Comment Re:What if (Score 1) 211

This "Give me your password" technique should be used in hiring. Especially in Network Engineering/Admin type positions.

HR Person: "Please provide your login credentials for Facebook."

Candidate: "Here you go."

HR Person: "You FAIL."

After all if you are willing to hand over your personal passwords to some random HR person, can you really be trusted with root passwords/domain admin passwords?

Comment Re:Impound all servers... (Score 1) 375

Not to mention what this is implying for the legal system in general. You or I "Might" have several pounds of Marijuana laying around our houses. You or I "Might" have some type of bomb strapped to our chests at this moment. Subjecting my person or home to searching is a gross violation of rights in this instance. I fail to see why computers should be thought of any differently.

Comment Re:Close the door. (Score 1) 480

Regarding the comfortable and pleasant....

I myself like having two "Home Office" type areas. My actual home office balcony! On really nice days one of the largest benefits for me is that I can grab my stuff and go sit outside. I find myself to be much happier and productive outside. Of course, you need to have an area shaded enough to read a laptop screen.

Of course, you do have to remain disciplined to keep from getting distracted outside just as you do indoors.

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